
I've been fighting with some kind of cold/flu-ish thing. It's gotten better since a couple of days ago, when I wrapped myself up in a blanket for two hours due to the chills coursing through my body. Of course, neurotic as I am, a checklist of possible ailments is running through my head:

Bacterial meningitis? Probably not, since I'm still around.
Bronchitis? Maybe. Had that in 2nd grade and freshman year of college.
Strep throat? Maybe.

Once I took a writing course where a girl mentioned in her piece, "She was a hypochondriac who hated going to the doctor...what an unfortunate combination of neuroses." That's me.

In more cheerful news:
  • My sweater yarn is coming from the Canadians next week.
  • You may have been wondering, "What is the derivation of 'The Bronx'? The other boroughs don't get a definite article." Well, I can tell you. Apparently, when the Dutch settled in New York, there was a family called the Broncks. They had an active social life, so many people would say, "Let's go to the Broncks'." Eventually, it became the Bronx.
  • Brooklyn is from the Dutch word for "broken land." I think it's Breukelen.
So there's some trivia for the day. My sister gave me a book once called A Pig on Ice which explained the derivation of all these sayings...Hobson's choice, etc. Of course, I forgot where Hobson's choice came from, but now I know what it means. A choice between two bad alternatives (most often used to describe presidential elections).


Caro said…
I hope you're feeling better soon.

I agree one-hundred percent with the presidential election thing. This next one is going to stink too. Too many Democrats are running which means we'll get a damn Republican again.

And it's nothing against Republicans BTW. It just seems like we need someone from a different party every other election to swing the economy from whatever way it's been going.

Did I ramble enough yet?
Bearette said…
You weren't rambling. I don't want another Republican either ;) But at least it won't be another Bush...probably. Is Jeb running?

I feel mostly better, thanks. I have one of those crackly sore-throat voices, though.
Poppy said…
Icky blicky, sorry you're not feeling well. :(
Bearette said…
Thanks, Poppy!
blackcrag said…
So you're busy denuding Canadian sheep now? Rememeber it is cold up here (not right now, but it gets that way), so unless you're knitting these poor sheep sweaters, they will need their wool sooner or later! OK, later, like six months from now. But you see the point I'm making?

I baled hay on a sheep farm for a couple summers. Sheep are funny things. I got the shock of my life once when I was watching the flock in a pen beside the barn. This white, wooly head rises above all the sheep backs on a long neck. I thought "Good grief, that's the ugliset horse I've ever seen!"

The farmer forgot to mention he kept a watch-lama to gaurd the flock.

The farmer
Bearette said…
A watch-llama? I love it.

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