Are you ready for the socks, girls?*

*The title is a pun on a song title from an '80s movie. Do you know the song and/or the movie?

So anyway, as you might have guessed, I'm making socks.

I bought turquoise yarn because I'm sick of pink. (Jaws drop around blogland.) This little bit here will be the ribbing at the top of the sock.

In other news, my sweater yarn came today!

I didn't start it yet because I don't have the right needles. I'll get them later. In the end, it should look like this, only in pink instead of orange:

I don't know how to turn off the flash on my camera, so we'll pretend the model had a special glow. Also, to satisfy your cuteness quotient:

The teddy bear and completed sweater images are from Last Minute Knitted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson.


Mz.Elle said…
That colour is just glorious!

I love handknit socks. Every other kind will pale once you wear hand knit socks. You'll be ruined,lol
Bearette said…
Thanks! That's what I've heard :)
Anonymous said…
OOOOH....lookit all that yarn :)

Good luck with your sockies :) May you not have to frog them eleventy billion times like I did!
Caro said…
I bet we'll be seeing pics of your socks soon.
Anonymous said…
Do you want to rush Tri-Lam with me, Bearette? ;)
Bearette said…
Molly - thanks!! I am mystified a bit with one part of the instructions (Silver's Sock Class). She says to do 20 rows (I'm using worsted weight), then says "Stop on a right-side you are actually doing one less than you're supposed to." So I'll do 19 rows instead of 20...but why didn't she just say that???

Caro - Hopefully ;)

Liz - You're good! I thought you would know it :)
This suzy said…
That sweater yarn looks lucious, like you could just eat it!!
Roxanne said…
So, did you roll in the yarn yet?
Bearette said…
Suzy - i tried...just kidding ;)

Rox - there wasn't quite enough, but i had fun arranging it in a nice heap :)
bdogg_mcgee said…
Clap your hands everybody, and everybody clap your hands. We're Lambda Lambda Lambda and, Omega Mooooos!

That is probably one of my most favorite movies of all time!!!

Last Minute Knitted Gifts, huh? I'm so bad at that stuff that there is nothing last minute about my knitted gifts.....because I would never finish it.
Bearette said…
Hee! Yeah, I think the title is a bit of an exaggeration. The sweater is in the "more than 8 hours" category.
Anonymous said…
Bdogg- LMAO!!!! That's my favorite scene from the movie. :D
Iamthebookworm said…
Beautiful work!
Bearette said…
Thanks, bookworm! I'm now doing the second sock :)

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