
So D and I went to Good today. Good is the "it" brunch place. I call it that because it always has people winding out of it in long lines, while there are empty brunch places (La Palette, for one) a few yards away. The empty brunch places cry out: "Free mimosas! All you can eat!" But Good crushes them beneath its wheels. Metaphorically, of course.

I got exactly what I wanted for brunch: 2 small doughnuts (hand-rolled orange sour cream doughnuts served with a sprig of mint. They may not sound good, but they are delicious) and a honeydew mint batido (to complete the mint theme). I chose to ignore the Guilt Dialogue.

Me: Why are you eating doughnuts??? You're going to gain 45 pounds!!!!
Me: I want them.
The restaurant is also taking part in a program where you can add some money to your bill and donate it to hungry people. The program also exists in D.C., Philly, Boston and Chicago. You can learn more here.

The violent, nose-blowing phase of my cold is mostly over, but my voice is a little croaky. I think it scares dogs :(


Caro said…
Not a big mint fan but I am a huge donut fan.

I haven't had a real donut shop donut in a while.
Roxanne said…
Those donuts sound delicious!
Roxanne said…
I never heard of a batido before, so I had to google it. Sounds like a yummy combination with that and the donuts. Mmmmm, mouth watering.
Bearette said…
C - Sometimes I'm not can taste like toothpaste. But they do it well here.

Rox - it really was. They have a different flavor batido every weekend :)
Anonymous said…
My husband calls the croak "the sexy voice".

I think everyone should eat treats in moderation! Total deprivation is no way to live. :)
Bearette said…
Hee...much nicer way of looking at it.

I agree re the treats. Problem is, I used to go overboard in the past. In college, I polished off a Vermonster practically by myself!!! Eek.
Trundling Grunt said…
The doughnuts sound brilliant. And scaring dogs could come in handy.
Bearette said…
Brilliant is a good word for doughnuts :)

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