Cutest change purse ever

If you have no time but would like to knit, you might want to try this. It's all garter stitch, one yarn over to make a buttonhole, then sew up the sides and add a button and you're ready to go. Seen here with our household duck, Lemon:

I got the pattern from Kris Percival's Knitting Pretty, which I recommend along with her other book, Speed Knitting.

As for Lemon, the duck, he has a secret disco side. I was up late maybe a week ago and came out to the kitchen to use the computer. My laptop cord made contact with Lemon and he started flashing in blue. I haven't been able to get him to do it again. Maybe it was a hallucination ;)


blackcrag said…
Of course you haven't been able to get him to do it again! You killed him!

Did you see the dark pattern of his bones when his body was glowing blue, carrying the full househole charge through his frail, plastic body?

Dip Lemon in orange sauce and send him to Peking because this duck is done!
Kristen said…
I think every household should have a duck! He's adorable.
Anonymous said…
Where will you keep all the hats and scarves and change purses?! :D
Anonymous said…
Hehe. Disco Duck. That change purse is cute, too :)
Bearette said…
BC - oh no!!!

Kristen - isn't he? D is addicted to ducks :)

Liz - our closet space is being challenged ;)

Molly - thanks!
This suzy said…
Maybe you need to give him some of Liz's wine and then he'll be ready to light up again. lol
Anonymous said…
Now I have the Disco Duck song in my head. That's good. At our last house, sometimes passing trucks' CB radios would come through on our computer speakers. Naturally, this only happened late at night.
Caro said…
Lemon looks like he's saying, "Ta da!"

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