Bearette's newest creation
Here's a pic of the hat I just finished:

I look rather bleary at 1:30 am, but I wanted to show the hat to y'all. It's a beehive pattern from Stitch 'n' Bitch Nation by Debbie Stoller, and it taught me how to use circular and double-pointed needles. If you haven't used them before, the circular needles are pretty easy to use. The double-pointed needles take some getting used to. It amused me, though, the Martian look of the hat while it had four double-pointed needles sticking out of it.
Tonight we heard "You Give Love a Bad Name" at the Irish pub, and I told D that Jon Bon Jovi is on Liz's list. I still think "Livin' on a Prayer" is his masterpiece. I remember how we all skated intensely to it at Roller Palace, feeling the depth of Tommy and Gina's struggle. Or maybe that was just me. And how did they do that "wo-ah wo-ah wo-ah" microphone thing? Genius ;)
They also played Def Leppard's "Photograph" at the pub. All those hair bands had suspiciously high voices.

I look rather bleary at 1:30 am, but I wanted to show the hat to y'all. It's a beehive pattern from Stitch 'n' Bitch Nation by Debbie Stoller, and it taught me how to use circular and double-pointed needles. If you haven't used them before, the circular needles are pretty easy to use. The double-pointed needles take some getting used to. It amused me, though, the Martian look of the hat while it had four double-pointed needles sticking out of it.
Tonight we heard "You Give Love a Bad Name" at the Irish pub, and I told D that Jon Bon Jovi is on Liz's list. I still think "Livin' on a Prayer" is his masterpiece. I remember how we all skated intensely to it at Roller Palace, feeling the depth of Tommy and Gina's struggle. Or maybe that was just me. And how did they do that "wo-ah wo-ah wo-ah" microphone thing? Genius ;)
They also played Def Leppard's "Photograph" at the pub. All those hair bands had suspiciously high voices.
My husband once told me that the voice effect in the Bon Jovi song is achieved using a talk box (I think that's what it's called). I've seen one of the singers in M's band use one... a tube snakes up the microphone stand, the end of it right next to the mic, and the singer has it in his mouth while he sings.
Liz - no snow! Sounds exciting, though ;) I know there was a blizzard in New Hampshire a couple days of my friends from an old job lives there. Oh! So that's how they do it. I thought they had special abilities ;)
You are the knittingest person I know. I can't believe how good you are at it already.
Are you going to start making those really comfy slippers?
My grandma used to make them every Christmas until she got arthritis.
Gotta love Bon Jovi. I wasn't into too many of the hair bands, but I did like some of them.
Roxanne - actually it was Aussie Wool, while the mittens were Debbie Bliss alpaca silk. They're all pink though, of course ;) Re the hair bands, I remember a friend of mine in seventh grade had a poster of Poison. They all wore more makeup than I did!
I thought I was SO cool;p
I like your hat!