We're back!

So I am back from Massachusetts. I always get a little sad when I leave a place...I was sad to leave NY, thinking how I like almond milk and being able to walk everywhere, and then I was sad to leave MA, thinking how it's cozy that all my family is there and the whole Boston area is so familiar to me.

On Saturday, we spent the day at my sister's house. Both of my sisters, my brother, my mom and all of the kids were there. I walked my sister's dog, Biscuit, 3 times. She didn't want to let me go at the end of the gathering...she came out to the car and licked my hand. One of my nephews made me a birthday card featuring a cake with a very phallic candle on it. (This is in honor of Liz.) In a fun TMI moment, my sister revealed that she and her husband call it "The Captain." My other sister gave me a little painting of a rabbit, since I was born in the year of the rabbit. She has been to China twice for business, and she bought the painting there.

Today we had lunch with my high school friend, G. We reminisced about everyone we knew in high school. I'd heard that one guy we knew worked for the FBI and had two kids; the kids part was wrong. We also remembered the ying-yang cookies we ate when we worked at Osco in high school. The rest of the world calls them black-and-whites, but our name is better, don't you think?


Caro said…
So, if his is called "The Captain" does she call hers "Tenille"?
Anonymous said…
carolyn- LOL! I saw them in a free concert on the mall in DC once. What were the muskrats' names? Suzy and Sam?

I agree that ying & yang is a better, more interesting name. And I want to see a picture of the phallic candle. :)
Roxanne said…
Carolyn- Are you a stand-up comic behind that mask? I think most definitely.

I like the ying & yang cookie.

Why people feel posessed to name body parts is beyond me, but I DO know a certain someone that has a "one-eyed Pete". DO NOT ASK ME WHY!!
Bearette said…
C - hehe.

Liz - who are the muskrats? i thought about putting the pic up, but it is really quite graphic ;)

roxanne - one-eyed pete...wow.
Caro said…
Liz - Yes, I think it was Suzy and Sam. You have a better memory than me.

Roxanne - Thanks, but I'm not a comic. My family finds me quite boring.
Perplexio said…
I get the same way about when I travel out east to NY state to visit my family. I get sad about leaving the Chicago area where I have access to all kinds of ethnic foods, diversity, and unique experiences to visit an area as remote as where my parents live... where I'd have to travel at least an hour up to Montreal to experience the same level (although a completely different kind of) diversity. And then when I leave that area, I miss the mountains, the fresh air, being close to nature, and the simplicity of small town life.
This suzy said…
That nickname is cracking me up. I wonder when he gets to be promoted to The General? LOL
verniciousknids said…
Phallicness is taking over the blogosphere ;)
Bearette said…
perplexio - so now i know i'm not the only one. it's hard to find a place that combines everything. i guess there's not one perfect place to live...

vk - it definitely is ;)
Anonymous said…
Bearette- 'Muskrat Love' was one of Captain and Tenille's greatest hits. It's a very silly song about muskrats falling in love and chewing on cheese. I highly recommend it. :)
Bearette said…
Oh! i didn't know that one.

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