Thursday thirteen

1. I think I'm getting a better sense of perspective on my life.
2. We have a John Travolta shrine in the living room.
3. Once I taught a yoga class in the dark.
4. One of my favorite neighborhood dogs is named Misha. He is a Yorkshire terrier.
5. My husband has a bit of a duck fetish.
6. We have wind chimes out on our terrace; they're shaped like brightly colored fish.
7. I never liked eating fish, even before I was vegetarian.
8. I've never had "real" sushi, only the vegetarian kind.
9. In high school we went to Friendly's a lot.
10. When I was a child, the Ramona books were among my favorites.
11. We have a Curious George print on one wall.
12. My building has mostly retired people in it.
13. I wouldn't mind living in New Mexico sometime.


Anonymous said…
Friendly's was the place to go in high school, most definitely. The managers must have shuddered to see the lot of us pouring through the door after football games. :)

And I thought D had a panda fetish!
This suzy said…
I have some extended family in Silver City, NM. I really enjoyed it when we visited there a few years ago, although I know part of what I enjoyed was the company! :)
Bearette said…
Hehe...he actually has a panda and duck fetish. And a bit of a capybara fetish as well ;) Sadly, Friendly's has closed in my hometown. I used to like thier quesadillas.

Suzy - sometimes i think if i were to start over in a new place, i would go there. i don't know if d would be amenable though ;)
Anonymous said…
I had never seen Friendly's before until I moved upstate. You can come here if you'd like. They're all over!
Bearette said…
i'll have to keep that in mind :)
kj said…
where i live, friendly's is still # 1.

i think you'd love santa fe, bearette. there is a vortex there many people can feel and dogs can hear. the desert is so different than the east coast, and/but it has its own beauty.
Bearette said…
thanks for the tip...i'll bear it in mind for my next vacation!
Anonymous said…
I used to love the Ramona books too!

And I agree, KJ, that Santa Fe is beautiful. We went to a spa resort there for our honeymoon.
verniciousknids said…
You should start up "silver" yoga classes in your building!
Bearette said…
vk - unfortunately it's already been thought of - some other woman teaches yoga in the basement.
Anonymous said…
Please tell me that D doesn't make you dress up like a duck?! I mean...fetishes are okay and all... but dressing like a duck is just too much! :-)

And you have a John Travolta shrine? That rocks!
Bearette said…
Hehe...nope, the fetish just extends to ducks in the bathroom ;)

the shrine does rock. it consists of photos from a '70s John Travolta postcard book :)

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