Random thoughts

Heirloom tomatoes. I got two pretty, golden heirloom tomatoes for dinner tonight, as part of a broccoli-feta-glass concoction. Many years ago, I made this recipe, broke the oregano bottle, and used the oregano from the broken bottle anyway. D said, "As I was sitting here, picking glass out of my dinner..." and the dish was thereafter known as broccoli, feta and glass. It's good, though...with glass or not.

Anyway, my point is: heirloom tomatoes are very expensive, at least at Whole Paycheck. I looked resentfully at those little globes of sunshine. But I sliced them up a few minutes ago and nibbled on one of the cores, figuring I wouldn't use that part for dinner. Yum! (The supermarket had a little sign up recommending the orange ones - "low acid" - but the one remaining orange tomato had some kind of brown musty moldy structure in it. So I passed.)

So, if you see an heirloom tomato and you're feeling adventurous, check it out.

Baby strollers. I admit right off the bat that I'm not a mother and therefore, may have no idea what I'm talking about. But what is the point of those strollers that are the size of SUVs? They take up lots of room on the subway, they must be a pain for mothers to lug up and down the stairs, and the Maclaren ones go for about $1000. And believe me, if you go to the Central Park zoo one weekend, it's a Maclaren stroller convention. It seems more like a status symbol than anything else. What prompted this whole rant: I saw a guy with an SUV stroller on the subway. In his other hand he was lugging an old-school stroller that he was using just for storage. Stop the madness, people. When the kid is much, much smaller than the equipment, you have a problem. (Unless the big ones are just that much stabler and safer...but somehow I doubt it. Isn't stroller travel safer than an airplane these days?)

Pilates. I think part of me is hard-wired to be a teacher's pet. My teacher today said, "OK, my advanced Pilates people..." and gave some additional directions. Then she said, "You know who you are," and looked directly at me. I followed the extra instructions and she was like, "Yay! Beautiful!"
*basking in praise*
It's silly, I know :D


kj said…
hardwired to be a teacher's pet:

bearette, i like the sound of that.

i don't know if i have heirloom tomatoes in my garden: how would i know? (they are all red: nothing orange except the marigolds)

thanks again for your advice here and there. my back has a problem--a hd at T10-11 but i am going to do pilates to get myself back in shape.
Bearette said…
kj - they're very interesting-looking. they're either green or yellow, or red but misshapen, with lumpy surfaces. it doesn't sound super, i know; but they're fun.

pilates is really good for back pain. it's interesting that it was T - most ppl i know (including me) have more L issues.
jef said…
Yeah, strollers nowadays indeed occupies a ginormous space. I hate it when the mom decided to pay a visit at the grocery store. Traffic is understatement.
Caro said…
Whole Paycheck. LOL

The strollers are a status symbol. I think anyone could buy a decent stroller for sixty-five or less.

But what do I know? I'm one of the "little people."
Anonymous said…
Stroller? Just put the baby in your suitcase and wheel it behind you!
Caro said…
I liked the glass dinner story.

Probably I would have done the same thing.

Waste not want not.
Bearette said…
Yo Momma - I agree. If i have a kid, they're getting a stroller like i had! and they'll have to walk a mile uphill to school and a mile uphill back...lol.

Liz - i like it! ;)

c - i don't know if i'd do it now. it was kind of scary. but at the time i couldn't bring myself to throw out the oregano.
Amy said…
I agree that a stroller is a social symbol these days - same with Prada diaper bags (um, seriously you people who buy Prada diaper bags, do you know what goes in there?), and all other fancy baby stuff that celebrity moms hawk on E! and wanna-bes follow up with by buying and then showing them off.
Bearette said…
I wonder if old-school strollers will suddenly become "retro" and in demand...

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