Slight discouragement

Well, I had my first permanent class, at the new center...and I'm a little discouraged. I'm trying not jump to conclusions, get all freaked out, etc...all the usual things I do. I'm trying to do Opposites Day like George on Seinfeld ;)

Anyway, this was the permanent gig I got at a small but nice studio, and they created a new class for me - 10 AM. I got there and no one was there! I called the studio - which I was sitting in front of. No answer. I had the director's email but not her phone number; I have a cell phone but not a Blackberry, so I couldn't email her. So I waited.

Then C came (D's colleague's wife), looking all bright and cheerful, and close on her heels was the front desk girl, whom I'd never met before. Right away she had a bee in her bonnet, bug up her ***, whatever. I was thinking, "Would it kill you to act remotely human?" but I ignored her rudeness and was just nice back. She acted like it was a huge imposition to have to come early. The paper schedule was updated to show my classes, but the website was not; I suggested that they update the website, and she was all, "Oh, it never gets updated, it's really out of date." C was looking at her funny and I felt embarrassed lest she thought all Americans were this cold and rude.

So then we got away from the front desk girl and had the class, just C and me. The director had explained she'd be sending out a newsletter announcing the new class. She felt 10 AM was a good time slot for the stay-at-home moms. I thought a lunchtime slot might be better, but I deferred to her judgment.

The class itself was good. She told me she loved it and wants to do yoga more.

After class, C said, "She was not motivated to help you" about the front desk girl and said, "Shouldn't they do that?" (meaning publicity). I'm kind of discouraged. Maybe subbing is better after all. A few of my friends have agreed to come to the 10 AM class, but let's face it, most of them work! I figure I will wait a bit, cool down, talk with D and see what happens.

The director did tell me before that I might get more students on Thursday because the Thursday slot is basic and today was "open" (more advanced).


bdogg_mcgee said…
I'm sorry the front desk gal was such a *$#@&. I'm still floored that she thinks 10 am is early! WTF? I get up at 6 am!

Don't let it bother you. She might have had a bad morning or something.....

Anonymous said…
Hang in there. It sucks that the girl was such a b*tch, but that's her issue ultimately. A brand new class is bound to take some time to get going. Don't despair!
Anonymous said…
Trying to stay positive amidst stuff not working the way it should is difficult! Stay with it, and maybe you could offer to do some of the publicity yourself (flyers or a mass email or something), since obviously they can't be inconvenienced to help you!
Caro said…
Thinks should pick up.

Maybe receptionist girl snagged her pantyhose or something that morning.
Bearette said…
Thanks, guys! That was helpful :)

I had lunch with my friend Allen and his girlfriend, and she pointed out that some of the SAHMS might not be able to take class until September, when their kids are in school. Also, Allen suggested that I email the director about updating the website, but not right away.
Bearette said…
Kitkat - d actually made up some business cards for me that i'll take to the chiropractor's tomorrow (i have an apptmt anyway)...the chiro was always urging me to do that because a lot of his patients do yoga. So maybe that will help.
Anonymous said…
It always takes me a few weeks to figure out that there's a new class at my gym. Give the "slow kids" like me some time to find you. :)
Bearette said…
hehe...i hope that's what happens :)
Amy said…
Congrats on the class - I actually went to my first yoga class in over a year tonight. Very invigorating.
Bearette said…
thanks! i'm glad you liked it.
Elsa said…
Ditto on what Ashley said, "Hang in there." This was just the first day. Maybe things will get better. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Elsa.
verniciousknids said…
Have you updated your class info on your yoga site? I'd be pushing the publicity that way too...and like everyone else says...hang in there, all will work out...eventually :D

(You could always nibble on some of your cookies to cheer yourself up too!)
Bearette said…
Thanks, VK. I'm bringing some business cards to the chiropractor today...he has a lot of yoga patients. And I did update my site...
Bearette said…
Thanks, VK. I'm bringing some business cards to the chiropractor today...he has a lot of yoga patients. And I did update my site...

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