Thursday thirteen...and a recipe

After all the drama, I realized I'm teaching 16 classes in August. Not bad.

1. I've never seen Three's Company.
2. I find Heidi Klum annoying.
3. I let my subscription to Us lapse and I don't miss it at all.
4. My favorite summer fruits are cherries, grapes and cantaloupe.
5. I like Anthropologie in theory, though I've never bought anything there.
6. I have never been to Tennessee.
7. I wish John Irving would write another book. His last one wasn't the best, but I still have faith :)
8. I'm currently reading Winkie by Clifford Chase, and the protagonist (a teddy bear) is so sympathetic that it's hard to watch bad things happen to him.
9. I'd like to go to Hawaii someday, though I have a hard time with long flights.
10. Sometimes I want to eat chicken.
11. Fourth grade was my favorite year in elementary school.
12. As far as Europe goes, I've been to France, Italy, Britain and Ireland. (And airports in Amsterdam and Zurich ;)
13. I find Jon Stewart overrated.

And now, for the recipe...from Mollie Katzen's Vegetable Heaven.

Cozy Orzo

1 lb room-temperature cottage cheese
1 t salt
1/4 c minced chives or scallions (I recommend using the chives)
1 t grated lemon zest (or more)
Black pepper to taste
1/2 lb orzo
1 c frozen peas

Combine the cottage cheese, salt, chives, lemon zest and black pepper in a medium-sized bowl, and mix well.

Cook the orzo in plenty of rapidly boiling water until it is tender. Place the peas in a colander in the sink, and drain the pasta right into the peas. This will defrost the peas and cook them slightly. Shake off the excess water, transfer the orzo and peas to the cottage cheese mixture, and stir gently.


This suzy said…
The parts of TN that I've been to have always been really pretty. It's a nice state. :)
bdogg_mcgee said…
I'm SO trying that recipe! It sounds delish!

Never seen "Three's Company"?!?!?!?! Man, that was one of my favorite shows! John Ritter was fabulous.
Caro said…
Cherries are delish.

I let my newspaper subscription lapse. It takes some pressure off me. One less thing to read.
verniciousknids said…
So do you ever succumb to the chicken craving?!
Elsa said…
I used to watch Three's Company all the time growing up.

I love grapes and cantaloupe. Not hot on cherries.

I was in TN in 1981 with my family for the World's Fair - yiipppeee! We went to the Grand Ole' Opry for a concert and all I remember is being bored out of my mind and falling asleep in the chair.

And on #13, I respectfully disagree ;) I LOVE Jon Stewart! :)
Elsa said…
BTW, sometimes I have cravings for Italian sausages or Portuguese linguica.
Anonymous said…
I totally relate to #s 5 and 9!
bdogg_mcgee said…
So, Elsa, what's Portuguese linguica? I'm nuts for Portuguese food, but I've never heard of that...
Anonymous said…
pedantic i know, britain separate from europe, pumpkin!

the recipe sounds tasty, but what do you think about omitting the peas (they are my hate veg!)
Bearette said…
Hehe! so nice to come back to so many comments.

Suzy - maybe I will go there, and visit Graceland ;)

Bdogg - it really was. i thought it would be a ton of cottage cheese and not much orzo, but the ratio was just right.

carolyn - i'm a cherry fiend :) i don't read the newspaper, either. MSN gives me all the news i need.

vk - i haven't yet. there's a restaurant around here that serves pretty good fake chicken parm. i go there sometimes.

elsa - hehe, i knew you would take issue with #13 ;) i only saw him on oscars night, though, so maybe i'm missing something.

ashley - we'll have to arrange a blog trip to hawaii, with a short flight somehow ;)
Anonymous said…
oops i meant 'britian's' 0-=
Bearette said…
carpe, you spelled it right the first time, silly :)

also, britain's a part of europe, just separate geographically.
Bearette said…
carpe - i forgot the whole pea bit with all the britain controversy ;) it might seem boring w/o the peas...maybe substitute another veg instead? like diced zucchini? or minced spinach...
Elsa said…
Bdogg - Portuguese linguica is a very flavorful sausage. I found a description on as follows "Similar to kielbasa but with its own unique flavor, Linguica is a mild pork sausage still manufactured according to an old Portuguese recipe. It is a fine blend of lean pork with a mixture of such basic spices as vinegar, salt, paprika and garlic. Stuffed into a natural casing, Linguica is then smoked until the special flavor and federally required temperatures are reached."

I would highly recommend trying it if you get an opportunity. And it smells so good, too!
Elsa said…
Bearette - If you've only seen him on the Oscars, I can understand why you think JS is overrated. I agree with you, he wasn't that good on the Oscars. I don't know if it's because he wasn't in his element or what, but he just wasn't that funny that night. He's a riot on his nightly show.
jef said…
Don't you dare hate Heidi Klum...She's HOT hehe!
kj said…
bearette, you hit my feelings exactly about Anthropologie. i love the store and catalogue but never buy a thing there. what's that about?

i was in tn once doing a medical/rehab consulting gig for a nuclear power plant. that was eiry, but the state was quite beautiful. green and rolling.

nice to see your 13.

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