Pick-up lines

So I was on my way to teach class this morning when I saw a man in a mesh shirt standing in front of McDonald's. His belly button was clearly visible.

Belly Button Man: Can you give me some directions?

Me: Where are you trying to get to?

BBM: Can you show me the way to your heart?

I laughed and walked away. He called after me, "Didja like that?"

"It was funny," I admitted.

I realized this would probably be a good blog topic. What are the best/worst/most inventive lines you've heard?


Anonymous said…
"I want to be your type... Your blood type, that is. So I can flow through your veins and go directly to your heart."

That's a pick-up line I heard in Spanish when I was traveling in Bolivia in 2000.

Bearette said…
that's a good one! i was beginning to worry no one had any ;)
Anonymous said…
A guy told me he was a Mary Kay representative and that he wanted my number so he could call and tell me about new products. He was very persistent.

I also once had a construction worker serenade me as I was jogging by on the other side of the street.
Bearette said…
that's romantic! (the construction guy, that is...)
Caro said…
Hmmm, I can't remember a single line. Maybe I was too drunk. :D

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