Rotini with ricotta

I can't sleep so I'll post the recipe I made for dinner. Courtesy of Jeanne Lemlin. Now, if you were going to be stuck on an island with somebody, Jeanne might not be a bad choice. She's a very good cook. Of course, ideally you'd have your husband/wife with you too.

This was quite simple and yummy, and D enjoyed it greatly. (As did I.)

You'll need:

1 lb rotini
1 28-oz can diced tomatoes, with their juice
1/2 t salt
1/4 t red pepper flakes
6 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 c chopped basil
1/2 c part-skim ricotta (approx)
4 T olive oil

Bring a large pot of water to boil. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Then saute the garlic and red pepper flakes for 1-2 min. Don't let the garlic brown. Add the tomatoes with their juice and the salt. Bring the sauce to a boil, and then let it simmer for 10 min, or until it's thickened. You can mash some of the tomatoes with a large spoon. This improves the consistency of the sauce, says Jeanne.

Once the water is boiling, cook the rotini until it's al dente (about 8 min). Drain and return to the pot. Remove the sauce from the heat, stir in the basil, and pour the sauce over the rotini. Cook for 1 min, stirring. Serve in pasta bowls with some ricotta spooned on top.



Bearette said…
what a nice haiku!

verniciousknids said…
I love ricotta...this sounds like a great recipe. And I love the idea of having my own personal chef on a desert island :D
Elsa said…
Ooooo...that sounds yummy! I love pasta and ricotta.
Anonymous said…
I have dibs on Wolfgang Puck.

On second thought, I'll take Anthony Bourdain. Not only can he cook, but he swears a lot and I find him oddly attractive.
Anonymous said…
Oh, and a couple more book ideas for you. Right now I'm listening to Piece of Cake, by Cupcake Brown. It's an autobiography-- Cupcake overcomes some huge challenges to eventually become an attorney and motivational speaker. It's very gritty. I love the voice of the person who reads the story.

I also just started Inside the Mind of Gideon Rayburn. Recommended!
Bearette said…
Cupcake Brown - what a name! Thanks ;)

I added May Contain Nuts and now my hold list is full, but maybe I'll add those two later. I'm curious about the Cupcake one.
Anonymous said…
I love it but it's also heartbreaking- the system failed her as a child, again and again.
Anonymous said…
I just read a Library Journal review of a book called Pug Hill, by Alison Pace. Chick lit! I thought of you when I saw it. Good review...
Bearette said…
Oh, I read that one! I like the way she writes. I actually went in search of Pug Hill in Central Park. I found a dog hill where she described it, but it didn't have any pugs :( That's where I met the Cavalier King Charles cocker spaniel.
Caro said…
What about Jamie Oliver (naked chef) on a deserted island?

Who would need a spouse? LOL
Bearette said…
hehe...i was thinking of chefs purely in terms of cooking ability, and y'all are inviting your crushes ;) i love it.

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