Zombie pinups

This was too strange not to share :) I just finished A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. The jury was out as to how much I liked it...for most of the book. But I guess you have to love a book that has lines like the following:

"Audrey was waiting in the hall with fifty-three squirrel people" (p. 360).

The "squirrel people" were little creatures, fourteen inches high, reconstituted from squirrel bits and sometimes duck claws, etc. I was thinking, wow, Christopher Moore has one heck of an imagination. But he actually drew his inspiration from Monique Motil's sartorial creatures. I particularly like the Victorian Alligator.

Monique also performs as a zombie lounge singer and links to a page that includes a zombie version of Marilyn Monroe.

Ah, San Francisco.


Anonymous said…
Hey, Bearette. I couldn't get the link to the squirrel people to work. Is that just me?
Lisa said…
Your first link isn't working. The second one works, though!

I'm a big Christopher Moore fan, but you definitely have to have a twisted sense of humor for it---and a willingness to not care at all about good writing and let yourself get caught up in the plot. (And based on that last sentence, I don't give a darn about good writing!)
verniciousknids said…
The Victorian Alligator is bizarre! (The first link was dead for me too)
Bearette said…
Sorry about that first link! It should be fixed now.

Lisa - I actually did like Bloodsucking Fiends. A lot. But I've been disappointed in his books ever since.
Bearette said…
I definitely have a twisted (or at least mildly so) sense of humor. And his writing itself is pretty good. So maybe it's the emphasis on plot that bothers me. I do have a bias toward female writers.
Caro said…
OT, I tried your latest tofu recipe for lunch today.

When I put the sauce in the pan, and smelled it, I started saying, "Oh oh oh," until I realized I sounded like a porn star!

It was sooooooo good. I want to try this sauce on carrots and broccoli too. Yum. :)
Bearette said…
Hee...you have a new career to add to your list! ;)

I love that recipe.

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