Well, we went for a Mother's Day dinner with D's mom, dad and sister. My own mom is in Beijing...I sent her an email but I'm not sure if she's checking. I really hope she doesn't get sick again. She and my sister will go to Hong Kong too (it's all related to my sister's work), and then they'll come home. "Hong Kong is so bright!" my mother enthused before she left. (They went there last year.) "M went out alone at night and I wasn't worried at all. It's like daylight." I guess it's lit up brighter than my own city.

The dinner went off pretty much without a hitch. D's sister's feelings were a little hurt after she described her friend T's matchmaking website. His website lets people get to know each other "on a deeper level" WITHOUT PHOTOS. I think this is an awful idea because:

1) people, especially men, want to know what their date will look like.

2) apparently the people can ask for each other's photos after interacting online and then say, "Sorry, you're not my type." Having the photo up in the first place would prevent these kinds of hurt feelings.

Well, D's mom immediately said, "He's an idiot," and A was a little upset. But other than that, the night went smoothly, and the food was good, if not terribly filling.

Afterward we rushed home to see Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, which were both rife with cliffhangers and sensational events. Martha Huber cut off her own fingers? Edie has vowed to destroy Susan (once she gets out of the hospital)? Carlos might cheat on Gabrielle with Cho Mei, and might even die? Whoa. And on Grey's Anatomy, Izzy stopped the bushy-eyebrow guy's heart. That was so stupid. Of course nothing on the show is medically realistic...from what I've heard. But I love it anyway ;)

A final bit of news. When we had dinner with J and his friend G the other night, G told us about the MS 150. It's a 150-mile bike ride (split into 75 miles a day for 2 days) along the coast of southern New Jersey to Maryland. It takes place in September, benefits people with MS, and will probably be very pretty, along the Jersey shore. And there are no hills to speak of.

D says if I get in the habit of doing 40-50 miles, there won't be any strain. So I took a 30-mile bike ride yesterday. I went up to the George Washington Bridge but not on it. (Maybe next time.) I do wish the bike path were more consistent...some of the parts are, um, SKETCHY. But I would never go there at night.


Ashley Beth said…
Good luck on the bike ride! That's really exciting and rewarding on many different levels.

There was a MS150 from Houston to Austin (I believe) recently - some friends rode it and loved it. Your ride has to be more scenic, though.
Elsa said…
It sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day.

And the bike ride sounds really cool! Just be careful on your treks.

If you ever get to Cape Cod, there is a 50-mile round trip bike ride from Dennis to Wellfleet and back and the path used to be the old railroad tracks (which are now paved for bike rides and pedestrians). It's really a neat path because most of it is away from the major routes and you see nice marshes, etc, things you wouldn't see just staying on the touristy routes. I mention the Cape since I knew you grew up in MA and come back to visit - so you may get down to the Cape sometimes.

Oh yeah, and the best part about the path is that it's FLAT.
This suzy said…
That would really be an accomplishment to complete that bike ride. I don't even know the last time I rode a bike!
Anonymous said…
A couple of questions: who was the idiot? And who is A?

My brother and a friend are planning to ride from Brooklyn to my parents' house in Florida this summer. I can only imagine it will be a very sweaty ride.

I have some friends who do one of the MS 150 rides through the Virginia countryside. Lots of hills. :) They love it, though.
Bearette said…
NM - Thanks! I guess there are lots of MS-150's ;)

Elsa - It's true. I'm thinking of just going to that part on weekends when there are lots of people around. The Cape ride sounds interesting. I used to ride on Nantucket sometimes and I used to go from Danvers to Gloucester on the back roads. That was a nice ride.

Suzy - Thanks :) I'm going to have to keep riding...and it's raining today :(

Liz - The "idiot" was T, who started the matchmaking website. He's friends with D's sister A. So A felt like her friend was being insulted.
Caro said…
Thirty miles.


You rock.
Scott said…
75 miles back to back eh? That would be quite the ride. Good luck to you with that. Sounds like a great experience and a very worthy cause.


Perplexio said…
The United States isn't quite as bicycle friendly as other nations. I've read/heard that Montreal is one of the most bicycle friendly cities in the world (but given how people in Quebec drive, I'd recommend sticking to bike trails there). I actually much prefer Ottawa, Ontario for bicycling in Canada and Chicago for bicycling in the US.

I have a prediction for tonight's Grey's Anatomy-- Alex is going to end up saving Denny Duguette's (bushy eyebrow guy) life and Dr. Burke's med school adversary will come in and somehow save his life.
Bearette said…
Scott - thanks! It will definitely take a lot of stamina. I took another 30-ish mile bike ride today and I am beat :(

Perplexio - Interesting. I've heard that the netherlands are good for biking. i've never been to chicago, but maybe if i go, i'll rent a bike! I'm not sure who Dr. Burke's med school adversary is, but I guess I'll find out.

Another thing - I heard one of the interns is leaving the show - I'd thought it would be Alex, but maybe it will be Izzy.
Bearette said…
D explained to me that the adversary was the woman whose patient was 17 seconds ahead of the bushy-eyebrow guy :)
Anonymous said…
So I have to say that I agree that a website where you chat to get to know someone "on a deeper level" doesn't work b/c there has to be some sort of physical attraction. And you're right...it hurts to hear "Ummm, you're just not my type" after you've been chatting for awhile. That would seriously suck.

And in terms of the 30 mile ride. WOW! That's AWESOME! I hope to build up to that!
SK said…
Wow! 30 miles!! That's awesome! I just got off the phone with a lady who is going to start riding with me and we have may have 2 other's join our little newbie's cycling group. :) I'm soo excited.
Bearette said…
Thanks, everybody! Lost, I'm glad you found a biking group. It sounds like fun.
Lora said…
Doing the MS 150 is a great idea. I've always wanted to do one of these bike tours, but never found somebody willing to do it with me and didn't want to do it alone.

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