My weekend

Here are some pics from my weekend. First off, though, I'll say that we went to see Mission Impossible: 3 with my mom. I was kind of underwhelmed by the movie. It confirmed a few things for me though:

1) Tom Cruise is nuts.
2) Philip Seymour Hoffman is a great villain, and still more sympathetic than Tom, the ostensible hero.
3) Certain conventions are followed in all action movies. Betrayal (good guy turns out to be bad), mistaken identity, implausible plot turns, 10,000,000 explosions, each bigger than the last, time pressure, exotic settings, and macho men rescuing women from difficult situations. Blech.
4) I like rom coms better. Their conventions are: humor, good dialogue, obstacles temporarily preventing the couple from getting together, misunderstandings that are later remedied, and secrets that come out in the end.

Here is my mom with her chocolate frogs.

The chocolate frogs up close. They came from Whole Foods if you are interested.

My nephew waiting in a room at the church before the First Communion began. He and the girl in the back row were in love for a while. Then the boys' and girls' soccer games stopped being held at the same time and they could no longer hug on the field. Maybe they will reunite later...

My niece.

My nephew doing the booty dance.

My nephew and me.


Roxanne said…
Gotta love a good booty dance! What great pics.
Ashley Beth said…
Oh my gosh. Booty dance is so funny! Great pictures - what a special day!
Anonymous said…
So cute!!!!!!!!!
Elsa said…
Great pics! Communions are so cute. And the frogs look delic.

And I agree with your assessment on Tom Cruise. I won't go see MI III just because he's in it.
verniciousknids said…
I love the booty dance and the fact that the frogs say "Kiss Me"!

I will never pay to see a Tom Cruise movie ever again. The only way I will ever see any of his movies are if they are on free-to-air TV and I have nothing better to do :D
Caro said…
Your neice and nephew are cute. I love the booty dance. :)
Bearette said…
The booty dance rocked ;)

VK, I think a lot of ppl agree with you...the theater was half empty!
Anonymous said…
I wish I had nice, wavy hair like yours. :)
Bearette said…
Thanks! It's often a beast when it's humid ;)

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