I went swimming with A and D today, and we all met in the lobby before heading out to lunch. There was a guy in a gray T-shirt standing across the lobby, and I poked A and said, "See that guy in the gray T-shirt? He's an actor. He was in the Chris Rock movie." I was referring to Head of State.

The only problem was, he walked toward us as I was talking, so he heard what I said. I felt like such a dork. You're supposed to pretend to be above it all (the whole celebrity thing, when you spot one) even though you're star-struck. I've even patted this guy's dogs before, without letting on that I knew he was famous.

Oh well. I don't think he cared -- he smiled at us -- but I was embarrassed anyway.

Then we met up with A's girlfriend at the Irish Rogue, which had been taken over by a rugby game. Huge TV screens showed young men with powerful thighs, duking it out. The whole bar was rooting for Ireland, but A, to be perverse, decided to root for Scotland (he might be Scottish on his father's side). When Ireland won, he moped.

"Is there anything positive about being Scottish?" he asked.

"Well, you know what they say -- if it's not Scottish, it's crap!" I said, imitating Mike Myers from the Saturday Night Live skit. At the next table, an Irish fan shot me a dirty look.

"Just kidding!" I added.


Roxanne said…
Ooooh! You better watch that mouth or else *you* might be the one duking it out. ;)

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