The celebrities are out in full force...I saw Liv Tyler at Barnes and Noble today. First, I heard a woman say, "Everyone is staring at me, so..." Of course I looked then, and saw Liv talking on her cell phone. She's tall and thin with high cheekbones. I read in a magazine a while back how she was lamenting what having babies can do to your body, but having seen her, I don't think she needs to worry. She had no body fat.

I got Sophie Kinsella's newest, Remember Me, and a book about knitting socks. I'd like to get into knitting socks again. I like working with worsted-weight (medium weight) socks; the super-fine (e.g., you go blind while knitting them) socks are not for me. The book focused on worsted weight, so that was cool.

Afterward I went to the grocery store, where I am starting to enjoy pregnancy privileges; some guy let me ahead of him in line! I checked out Yo Mommy yogurt (the kind Liz wrote about) but was dismayed to find it contains fish oil, which made me nauseous just thinking about it. Bearette doesn't like fish, even before she became vegetarian. (She does like referring to herself in the third person. So does D :)

Outside the supermarket, some guy turned his head to watch a girl go by, and she yelled, "Well, damn! Take a pik-cha!"

In other news, I knitted something for my high school friend G's baby, who is due to make his or her arrival in April. As soon as she gets it, I'll put up a picture. I'm still working on a baby blanket for E...those things take forever!


This suzy said…
Pik-cha. lol I had to say it out loud for it to make sense. How big of a dork am I? lol
Anonymous said…
The fish oil is how they get the DHA in there, but you can't taste it at all.
Silverstar said…
Another celebrity encounter, exciting. Their kinda nuts regarding their weight though because everyone who hires them in Hollywood is nuts.:P
Bearette said…
Suzy - I understand perfectly. I wanted to find the right spelling for how she pronounced it...but it kind of demands to be read out loud :)

Liz - Eek, I can't do it. Just the word "fish"'s one of my weirdnesses.

Silverstar - I'm sure you're right. But she was wearing cropped pants so I could see her calves, and fat.
Tracy said…
You'll have to let us (me) know what you think of Remember Me. I enjoyed the Shopaholic series... fun chick lit is a nice no brainer read sometimes. And they have happy endings unlike many of the books my book club chooses to read...
: )
Elsa said…
Pik-cha - Definitely someone from Boston or the surrounding area!
Bearette said…
Tracy - I love the Shopaholic series!

Elsa - I think it was more of a Bronx inflection, but you never know :)

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