Addictions and habits (and dogs)

D fell off his bike last night when he was trying to pass some guy (he needs to slow down!). He didn't break anything, but he fractured his clavicle and is wearing a little sling on his arm for support. They prescribed Oxycodon (probably similar to Oxycontin, which is addictive) as a painkiller. The nurse asked if he had an addictive personality. He told her he has an anti-addictive personality, because it freaks him out if he gets addicted to anything bad. Then he takes a step back. He counts bike riding as a positive addiction.

So at dinner he was tossing back the Oxycodon, and got a glint in his eye. "I can tell why people get addicted to this," he said. "I got this little wave of --"

"Euphoria?" I supplied.


If he gets hooked, I'll flush the rest.

On the way back from dinner, we saw a cute-as-a-button West Highland terrier. I stopped to pat him. Then a waterbug scuttled by and the dog jumped a mile! It really freaked him out. It was endearing.

(Speaking of which, I saw a tiny white dog do a handstand the other day. As you know, male dogs usually lift one hind leg to pee. This dog lifted up BOTH hind legs and balanced on his forepaws, so that his body was a straight vertical line from his front paws to the sky. It was quite impressive.)

And speaking of addictions, I should not cast the first stone because I am still addicted to knitting. (As I write, D is looking up "oxycodon" on Wikipedia.) I knit so much, in fact, that my eyes are becoming strained. So I decided not to knit today. Then I caved, and knit with an eye mask on. Then I took it off.

Another knitting confession: I really do like hats the best. After hats come mittens, scarves and that order. I feel a little bad that I don't like doing sweaters better. But I think I am a hat person. It's probably like a fingerprint...not much you can do about it.

We are traveling this weekend. I always have noble intentions of packing the absolute minimum, and then I'm throwing in my camera, knitting, facial cleanser, and cherries for the trip. I'm just not meant to be a bare-bones packer.


Irene said…
You should have knit D a sling for his arm. ;p
Roxanne said…
I hope D feels better soon (and doesn't get addicted).

I'm a hat lover, too. I like accessories also. I'll have to post a pic of the handbag I just finished.
Anonymous said…
It's inevitable that if you don't pack every little thing, you'll wish you had. And vice versa. For me, the decision is between wanting to be disappointed for packing too much or disappointed for not having the forethought to pack enough.

I hope you're going somewhere fun!
Anonymous said…
Have a good trip! Hope D feels better soon. Pesky clavicles... always getting in the way.
Bearette said…
Irene - True! ;)

Roxanne - thanks! looking forward to seeing it.

Kitkat - it's true, i should probably throw out my preconceived notion that "less is more"...i'll be disappointed if i left behind something good. we're going to my hometown for my bday (trying not to think too much about the bday part ;)

Liz - thanks! hopefully he will ride more cautiously now, and his clavicle will be safe :)
This suzy said…
If the dog was vertical to pee, did he not just pee on himself? lol
Bearette said…
Suzy - lol, I think his body was vertical but his peeing instrument was at a slight angle, shooting the pee safely away ;)
Roxanne said…
I bet there's a few men out there that would love to have that ability. ;)
Mz.Elle said…
Aww poor D!
That must hurt!
I have a similar anti addiction personality. I LOVE Ativan,love it,so I stay AWAY from it,lol
Knitting though,knitting is good,right???

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