This and that

1) For dinner tonight I had tomato bisque, a tomato-mozzarella-basil salad, and shared a piece of carrot cake with D. Mmm...

2) At home we watched Notes from the Underbelly on ABC. Despite/because of the fact that it was estrogen-soaked, I liked it. I read the book a while ago, but I can't really remember it. I think the show is less snarky and more upbeat. I especially liked the yoga teaching scene, where the male teacher adjusted everybody but one girl and she was upset. He soothed her by telling her she did the poses perfectly. Her triangle pose actually did look pretty good.

3) I'm working on a sock (with tiny, floss-like yarn) and a sweater. Here's the sock-in-progress and the finished back of the sweater (now I'm working on the front):

4) My college reunion is over Memorial Day weekend and I can't decide what to wear for Campus Dance on the first night. The top contenders (feel free to vote):


Roxanne said…
I love, love, love carrot cake! So yummy and partially healthy, too!

The next thing on my list to try is socks. I was just opened up to a whole world of cheap knitting needles on Ebay, so I'll have to wait to get some shipped to me.

I would go with the second dress just because it's so bright and cheerful. I'm sure you'll look smashing no matter which dress you choose. :) It's good to see you decided to go.
Anonymous said…
If you wear dress #2, you can wear matching mittens.

Lisa said…
Like the new socks! Pretty!

Although the black dress is more to my taste, I think you'd look great in the pink one---and it's more your personality.
bdogg_mcgee said…

I would go with the second dress as well. EVERYONE will probably be wearing black, and you'll stand out. :)
Bearette said…
Rox - Hee. I always tell myself that (partially healthy) ;) This one was actually shaped like a cupcake, and came with a small scoop of ice cream and a wedge of pineapple. The knitting needles from eBay is a great idea. I did find a place near me that sells them for $3-$5...Susan Bates brand. I think they're probably plastic, but I like them just as well as the bamboo.

Liz - good point ;) It actually does get cold at night at the dance's outdoors in New England.

Lisa - hmm, the first black dress vote. I tend to gravitate to that one too, I just wonder whether I should be more daring.

Bdogg - that's true, black is always the default color :)
This suzy said…
I think I'd vote for the black dress. But I'm not always a good judge of these things, so take that with a grain of salt!
I like the black dress, but that's just me. Even though everyone wears it, I think it's classy.
Bearette said…
Notta & Suzy - I'm leaning toward the black one, too. Though maybe I'll just bring them both!
Waspgoddess said…
The second dress, the second dress, the second dress!!! Wear the second dress. With your lovely curls you will knock them all for six.
Elsa said…
I vote for the second dress just because it's so cool-looking and different than the "usual" black dress. Having said that, I'm usually the one wearing the "safe" black dress!

And I LOVE your knitting creations. I can't believe how quickly you've picked up knitting and how productive you are! I'm jealous!
Bearette said…
Thanks, W & E. E, it's good to have you back!
Elsa said…
Thanks, Bearette!
Amy said…
I love the red flowered dress...very summer time (it seems to have gotten the most votes so far as well).
Caro said…
I'm glad you picked the red dress. It's pretty.

The black is nice too, but I think your personality is bright so red suits you.
Bearette said…
Thanks! I was worried it would be too loud but it worked out :)

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