
D spent most of the day today with a Dutch business partner. They were eating lunch and the Dutch guy started saying how much he hates tutus. How he has disdain for them. How they're everywhere!

D thought he was going crazy, that there was a huge trend in tutus and he was just missing it. Finally it dawned on him: TATTOOS.


Also, I saw Waitress today. It was one of those cases of a movie ruined by its ending. I was loving it...the exquisite pies (during the opening sequence, all I could think was, "I want a banana!"), the snappy dialogue, the wacky friends, and Nathan Fillion. Then they had to spoil it with the ending. I was going to give it an A++ with distinction, but the ending brought it all the way down to a B.

They really should bring me in as an ending consultant.


Katie said…
Haha...I was wondering why he'd hate tutu's so much! They're too cute to induce hatred!

Thanks for the heads-up on Waitress! I actually might wait for the DVD now. And I agree, those pies do look yummy even in the commercial.
Caro said…
A tutu is the word we use for girlie parts around here.

I'd have been snickering inwardly for sure.
Kristen said…
Really? You didn't like the ending I thought the whole movie was wonderful - I saw it on Saturday.
Bearette said…
KB - you might actually like the ending, I know some other ppl did. And up till the ending, it was great.

Caro - hee!

Kristen - yeah, I wanted something to happen that didn't (I don't want to be more specific and spoil it for those who haven't seen it ;)
Lisa said…
I really liked the ending of Waitress!

I can't get that song out of my head: "Baby doncha cry. Gonna bake a pie. . . "
Roxanne said…
Next time D meets with him, he should apply a bunch of those temporary "tutus" all over himself.

I wonder if I could sneak in a pie to go watch "Waitress".....
Anonymous said…
You never know what the next fad will be. Didn't Sarah Jessica Parker once start a tutu trend by wearing one with leggings on Sex and the City? :)
This suzy said…
We could create a whole fictional story about how a ballerina broke his heart. lol
Bearette said…
Rox - that would be perfect! They should hand them out at the movie theater.

Liz - yes, I remember that! And Bjork's swan thingy at the Academy Awards ;)

Suzy - that would probably be a good story, actually. Romantic and tragic...
Mz.Elle said…
Aww I HATE it when they do that.
Was it your normal sappy,expected ending? Or was it just disappointing in general because they did the unexpected??

Hee hee I have a tutu.
I think that's so cute!
Bearette said…
Ms. L - it was kind of sappy in the wrong way...I wanted it to be more romantic :(
Elsa said…
All I could picture was New Yorkers all dressed up as ballerinas!! It amused me :)

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