Shrek the third

Well, D and I saw Shrek the Third tonight, and I really enjoyed it. I'm not sure why I loved it so much. Maybe part of it is that I went in with low expectations. Some critics said it had lost its steam and originality. But it was my favorite of the three!

It didn't hurt that there were some fun previews and lead-ins. I'm looking forward to Bee Movie, an animated flick with Jerry Seinfeld and Renee Zellweger providing the voices. Instead of a boring "please be quiet" announcement, they also had a bunch of singing frogs who sang to the tune of "I Heard It Through the Grapevine":

I bet you're planning what to say
To spoil the movie and ruin my day...
It's not like we can press rewind.

Everyone was giggling about that. I swear it got a better audience response than some of the previews. And yes, we're probably going to see that ridiculous movie where Steve Carell plays Noah and herds all the animals onto the ark. The animals are pretty cute.

So, anyway: Shrek. I feel like it all came together with this one. No Smashmouth songs, lots of cute fairy tale characters, and an awesome scene with Snow White. There was a transvestite princess with big hands and a deep voice...I'm not sure what fairy tale s/he came from. Maybe s/he was there just for fun?

It also had a really positive message and good pacing.

Bearette's grade: A+


kj said…
it's a movie i've wanted to see also, so you've just sold me.

i love the movies. especially matinees.

Reighnie said…
I love Shrek.

The transvestite (lol) is actually one of the ugly step-sisters. She's not a princess or a man.
Bearette said…
KJ - yay!

ZM - oh! Thanks for solving that one :)
Iamthebookworm said…
Thanks for the review. My 9 year old nephew wants to go, so I'll take him to see it.
Bearette said…
Bookworm - you're welcome. I hope you both enjoy it.
Anonymous said…
Shrek (the first) and Lady & the Tramp are the only kids movies we own, so our niece and nephews have seen them each several times. :)
Elsa said…
The critics were pretty brutal for Shrek 3. I'm glad to see an A+ for it. I loved the 1st and 2nd Shreks and can't wait to see this one!
Bearette said…
That's what I thought, too...but then D told me, "A.O. Scott [from the New York Times] agrees with you. He thinks the third one is the best." I felt all validated ;)
Roxanne said…
I want to see The Third since the first two were so entertaining. My favorite part so far is in the second movie with the pepper spray scene.

I thought the ugly stepsister (which showed up in either one or two) was very transvestite-like so I'm not surprised you were confused. :)
Caro said…
I want to see Shrek three before it leaves the theater. We saw Pirates this weekend.
Bearette said…
I haven't seen Pirates...but I know a lot of girls love Johnny.

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