I love this thing

I just finished my first wrist warmer. So cozy:

This picture was taken using the new camera. The picture quality is about the same, I think, but the camera is much more user friendly.


Anonymous said…
yay, wristwarmers! I love mine...they are perfect for keeping me warm in my chilly office :)
Anonymous said…
I just can't believe what a productive knitter you are! I can barely make it through a chapter in my book before I'm falling asleep, let alone knit my own clothing. :D
Roxanne said…
Those look toasty!
Bearette said…
They really are...I'm racing to finish the other one before this weekend's train ride. For some reason, it is always 0 degrees on trains!
Caro said…
Now the weather will turn warm on you. LOL
Anonymous said…
I feel bad....I didn't end up liking the Lumix TZ1 for myself. It's so user friendly....and my best friend LOVES hers...but I wasn't happy with it. So I exchanged it for the new Fuji F45. I hope you like yours.... I feel like I practically told you to buy it! :-)
Bearette said…
Leah - no harm done; I like mine. I figured out that it takes especially nice pictures in portrait mode.
Do you make those like you make socks - with the 3 needles? I can't get up enough guts to give socks a try. I have kept with dishcloths, baby blankets, and scarves, but I'm getting bored.
Bearette said…
Notta - exactly. I would try the handwarmers first; they're easier. But if you're raring to try the socks, there's a really good tutorial at www.cometosilver.com/socks/SockClass_Start.htm. that's how i learned!

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