Shower woes

When we got back from Miami, we discovered we had no hot water. So the building's maintenance man came today and fitted us out with new faucets in the shower and did some other things of a mysterious nature.

Good news: we now have hot water.

Bad news: the water pressure in the shower is perilously low.

I grew up with low water pressure. As my brother put it, "You stand under there and hope it hits you." Now I feel like I'm in that Steve Martin movie The Jerk...a rags-to-riches-to-rags story of water pressure.

I don't want to be like Sally in WHMS ("You're the worst kind. You're high maintenance, but you think you're low maintenance."), but a girl needs a shower worthy of the name. If you have a nice, powerful, jet-stream shower, please send over some strengthening vibes to my shower.

Also, I came out of the bathroom to find D bent over the sink, WASHING DISHES. He almost gave me a heart attack. He was able to answer my personal questions ("What's your middle name?" "What's your mother's maiden name?", etc.) satisfactorily. Guess the body snatchers didn't get him, after all.


Kristen said…
I'm sorry to hear that you left the sunshine AND came back to bad water pressure!
Bearette said…
Hurts, doesn't it? Fortunately they're supposed to come fix it on Monday :)
Roxanne said…
Miracles do happen!

Did you ever see the Seinfeld episode where they installed the low flow shower heads? It was classic. I hope your hair doesn't look like Kramer's did. You might have to wear your hat everywhere you go. ;)
This suzy said…
I hate no water pressure! I can never wash my hair right. It always feels like the shampoo and conditioner never get fully washed out. I'm glad they're coming to fix it!
Poppy said…
Sorry about your shower woes, but that bit about D washing dishes and you checking for body snatchers cracked me up!

Maybe I didn't follow along properly, but are you sure that D doing dishes didn't cause the bad water pressure? Also, do you have any filters on any of the water sources that might need to be changed? Probably it's just the fix to the hot water that caused it, so I hope it's fixed soon!!
Bearette said…
Thanks, Poppy. I think it's just the fix...the repairman agreed to come back (though he did it when we were out :( I thought about the dishwashing thing, but he only washed one measuring cup, by hand, so probably not. Also, I don't think we have any filters.
Caro said…
Water pressure is IMPORTANT! That doesn't make you high maintenance.

If I caught my husband washing dishes, I would think he had done something very, very bad and was trying to suck up.
Bearette said…
Thanks! Hopefully it will get re-pressurized on Monday when the repairman comes (keeping fingers crossed).
Amy said…
my shower pressure is great in this apartment (compared to the crappy pressure I had in my Orlando apartment) but the shower head is placed for a much smaller person than I. My even taller friend came to visit once and complained that her neck hurt for the rest of the trip after having to bend down to wash her hair!

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