
So I've mentioned that I'm obsessive, right? Given my newfound fascination with knitting, it was only a matter of time before I tried my hand at crocheting.

Thanks to a helpful video on the Internet, I was able to figure it out. Yay! Here's a picture of my first few chain stitches:

Also, we went to K's birthday party tonight. K is the proud owner of a charming pug named Sampson. She described him as the "king of the apartment." He also likes to chew on her knitting wool. I might be able to put up some pictures of him eventually. Last time I tried, my camera was on the fritz.

Here's the scarf I gave K for her birthday (light blue), pictured next to the pink one I made for myself. They're both seed stitch, but the light blue is a cashmere blend, while the pink is merino.


This suzy said…
So which do you think is easier, knitting or crocheting? And which do you prefer?
Bearette said…
Suzy - it's interesting you bring it up, because after the initial euphoria of figuring out that stitch, I realized I'm much more into knitting. For some reason I get bored with the crocheting, while the knitting holds my interest.

But I'm glad I learned the stitch, because you can use it as a drawstring or cord in knitting.

I think most people prefer one or the other (knitting or crocheting). Have you done crocheting? I remember you said you hadn't tried knitting yet, but might in Edmonton where it's colder ;)
Bearette said…
Oh, and I totally forgot the easy/hard part. I guess I'll agree with my knitting teacher and say knitting is harder on your brain and easier on your hands. You have to flip your wrists a lot in crochet, and I don't really like that. In knitting your wrists are pretty stable.
Mz.Elle said…
Hey good for you!
I love crocheted items:)
This suzy said…
I think a very distant relative taught me to crochet once when I was about 7 or 8. And I, of course, promptly went home and did nothing with it and forgot how to do it! That's my experience with crocheting. lol

I'd still like to pick up knitting, but after I'm settled. You know. lol
Anonymous said…
Like, knitting, crocheting is something I've never tried, although my grandmother always did it. I remember once when I was little trying to write that my grandma was "crocheting," and I spelled it "croshain" or something like that. Who knew it would have a 't' in it!
Roxanne said…
So far, I've found knitting to be more stressful on my hand and wrist area than crocheting. Perhaps it's because crocheting comes second hand to me. Or maybe I'm holding the knitting needles incorrectly? I do like the challenge of knitting and want to learn more and more stitches.

Your finished scarves look very pretty. :)
Bearette said…
Kitkat - your spelling makes much more sense ;)

Rox - thanks!! I agree, I think the one we learn first feels more comfortable. I also like the fact that there are 2 knitting needles, as opposed to 1 crochet hook...feels more balanced, somehow. Btw, I finished your hat!
Anonymous said…
Very nice!

I should have learned knitting/crocheting before all our friends started having babies. I could have made some nice gifts instead of scouring the internet.
Bearette said…
Good point! Fortunately only one of my NY friends has a baby, so I have time to refine my craft ;)

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