Photo day

Today, D and I took a trip to Brooklyn. I brought my camera because I wanted to immortalize my Brooklyn cat on film. But then I saw a bunch of other interesting sights (for example, a Christmas tree bedecked in popcorn and Froot Loops).

Here is the chickpea burger I consumed at Dumont Burger. It was preceded by butternut squash soup, which was lovely.

This is a dachshund I met on the way to pat my cat. It had a charming face, but it didn't stay still long enough for me to capture it. I know you admire its red-and-white striped sweater.

This cake must be for a bachelorette party. They had a bachelor cake, too, but it was a little indecent (see-through nightie).

Rainer and me. Rainer is named after Rainer Maria Rilke or Fassbinder (Vossbinder?) according to the nice, earnest owner.

Another shot of Rainer. I like how he rests his paw on my boot.

And finally, a vampiric invitation on the subway:


Anonymous said…
Those pictures made me miss my cat. :)

That's a huge burger! And I have to say- I am a little disappointed in the tameness of the bachelorette cake.
Bearette said…
The size of the burger in the photo made me ashamed of my gluttony :( in real life it looked smaller. and the ketchup and mustard bottles are miniature ones (excuses, excuses)...

it's an awesome cat.
Roxanne said…
That looks like my cat! Very handsome.

I wanna try a chickpea burger. I've gotten hooked on hummus lately.
Roxanne said…
Oh yeah. We used to have a dachsund. He was cute until he started lifting his leg on all the furniture. He was jealous that he was no longer the baby in the family.
Bearette said…
it's probably the best burger in the city :) i bet you would like it.

what happened to the dachshund??
Amy said…
I love the cat - looks just like mine!
blackcrag said…
okay, okay, I posted! And when you read it, you'll see why I haven't.

When I lived in Victoria, B.C., I had severval cat friends. One used to cross the road to be petted. One's owner's lived upstairs to me, and their cat would jump in my window and lay on my stomach on the window seat.

The picture of this kitty's paw on your boot reminds me of a kitten who once curled up on the sole of my foot while I was kneeling, looking at his brothers and sisters. I was going to take him, but I'd recently moved and the new place wouldn't allow pets.
Anonymous said…
I didn't think it looked like too much burger- I was actually wishing I could eat it. The whole thing. ;)
bdogg_mcgee said…
I love all the photos you took today, especially the kitty photo. He looks very content to be in your lap. :)
verniciousknids said…
Are they Ugg boots I see you wearing?!
Bearette said…
Indeed :) Well, imitations from Target...
This suzy said…
My favourite man cake was at a "personal shower" when a friend got married. The cake was a man's torso, including the groin area in a Speedo. Only the certain groin part wasn't cake, it was just white filling. I about fell over. lol
Roxanne said…
Sadly, we ended up finding a new home for him. We didn't want to turn him into an outside dog or be in a crate. And we really didn't have the time or patience to change his behavior with a newborn in the house. I know it makes us sound like evil pet-parents, but we found a very loving home for him. It was a couple who already has a dachsund and they were thrilled to have a playmate for her. I'm sure he lived the rest of his years very happily. :) I'll have to post a picture of him sometime.
Anonymous said…
I agree that the cake was pretty tame. I helped throw a bachelorette party once, and someone knew a woman who made cakes. It was a woman's bare torso (read, breasts) with a large phallus looming over it with--um--white frosting scattered about.

Caro said…
The bun on that burger looks delicious!

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