Fung Wah, skin care and Parker Posey

My mother is dead set against the Fung Wah bus. She emails me articles on a regular basis detailing how they explode, crash and blow up. She has convinced me not to take the bus.

D tells me, according to the New York Times, there is a trend toward minimalism in skin care. "You do this already," he told me. All you need, says the article, is moisturizer and sunblock. I would add cleanser. I used to use St. Ives Clear Pore Cleanser, recommended to me by my friend Carpe, but it has disappeared from the tristate area. Fortunately, Aveeno's Calming Foaming Cleanser (stuff that foams is so fun!) is even better.

My mother got us a 5-month free subscription to Netflix, so we are busy renting everything under the sun. Tonight we saw The Oh in Ohio, a Parker Posey flick. It's about a woman who can't go to her happy place, and it was fun, surprisingly romantic and cute. It's the kind of movie you'd think you wouldn't want Danny DeVito remotely involved in, but it works.


Anonymous said…
I love Parker Posey, so I'll have to rent this one. :)

I'm curious- what else would you put on your skin, besides moisturizer and sunblock? I guess I'm revealing myself as a skincare ignoramus.

I alternate between Liquid Neutrogena and Philosophy's Purity Made Simple, the only ones I've found so far that aren't too drying for my skin.
Bearette said…
liz - you definitely should!

i am a skincare ignormaus too (we should call ourselves minimalists ;) I think some people use firming creams, wrinkle creams, Retinol (I think?), and all manner of anti-aging concoctions that claim to go above & beyond the traditional moisturizer. i am skeptical about their claims, though. as long as it's clean, soft and protected from the sun, it's all good.
Bearette said…
oops...i meant ignoramus...what i typed looks like a new word ;)
Perplexio said…
Yeah my wife & I have Netflix too... We've got 2 movies to watch this weekend and send back so we can get MORE! Stella (for her) and Crazy People (for me-- I've already seen it but it's been AGES).
Anonymous said…
I think it's the same women who nuts with their makeup who are the ones who go nuts with all the crazy creams for their face. They put all kinds of gunk on their skin and then they wonder why they break and get wrinkles :/
Roxanne said…
I think I'll have to watch that movie just out of principle...and because you recommended it!

As far as skincare minimalists go, I believe I'd fit into that category. My problem is that I can't really moisturize or wear sunscreen without having my already broken out face explode even more. Anyone have any good moisturizers or suncreeens that don't do this? I'm almost ready to go to the doctor to get a prescription. Almost.
Anonymous said…
Roxanne- I also use Philosophy's When Hope is Not Enough, because it's got SPF 20 and it's not greasy. My skin isn't prone to breaking out, though...
Anonymous said…
I meant to add that I wear it as my normal, every day moisturizer. My dermatologist recommended it because I've already had some pre-cancerous skin problems.
Perplexio said…
bearette24 & roxanne - My wife was recently recommended "Bare Minerals" by one of her coworkers who used to work in the cosmetics industry. Rather than being liquid/oil based, their make-up products are more mineral/powder based. My wife used to have serious acne issues, since she's switched to this Bare Minerals stuff her face looks to be clearing up considerably. You may want to try that out...
Anonymous said…
I've taken Fung Wah several times, without a problem. I think to develop a real argument against the bus, you'd have to look at it's safety record as compared to the alternatives. I'd be interested to know whether Fung Wah, or any of the other busses that travel from Chinatown, is less safe than Greyhound.

Why are you bringing up Fung Wah, by the way? Were you thinking of traveling to Boston on it?
Bearette said…
AT - i played with the idea of taking it once, but my mother was vehemently opposed. now she is just driving home her point.
Roxanne said…
Liz, Perplexio- Thanks. I will definitely check those out.
Bearette said…
AT - i think my mom feels peter pan has a better safety record.

rox - i have the same problem. i think jason night moisturizing cream is pretty good, but i have to use it sparingly.
Caro said…
Danny Devito and the big Oh don't click in my mind, that's for sure. :D
verniciousknids said…
Fungwah Bus?! What a fantastic name; I'd travel on it just because of this name!

I could never be a skincare minimalist...I'm addicted to toiletries and trying out new stuff! I'm currently using Estee Lauder products.
Anonymous said…
The Washington Post did an article on the safety of the Chinatown Express lines... one in particular had a shockingly bad safety record, and had changed names a few times. I think others were deemed just as safe as Greyhound...
This suzy said…
I've never even heard of Fung Wah. What is it?
Bearette said…
Suzy - it's a discount bus that runs between Boston's Chinatown and New York's Chinatown. They also have one between D.C. and New York with a slightly different name.

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