Aversion to cardio

I've developed an aversion to cardio. I don't know how I logged in so many hours on the treadmill, Precor, rowing machine, etc. in the past. I can't stomach the gym now...with a couple exceptions.

Pilates. I show up reliably once or twice a week for Pilates with my very favorite teacher. She is occasionally snide, which makes me laugh. I can't remember exactly what she said, but the gist of it was a bunch of people would bombard the class after New Year's, and she ended with, "Don't worry, they'll be gone soon." She also noticed that I had a different book each class, so I worried she might think I was a speed-reading freak. Then she said, "I read really fast too," and I asked her what she liked to read, and she said, "Stuff like that," pointing to my book. Instant bond. If she ever stopped teaching, I would cry. A lot.

Swimming. For some reason I always share the hot tub with the same man (a chatty gay fellow with a gold chain around his neck) and woman (a middle-aged photojournalist). They like to talk about Sudoko, yoga and stuff like that. I guess they just swim the same time I do. They closed the pool for a Christmas siesta, but it should be open again now. Note: swimming is a little embarrassing for me because I refuse to put my face underwater unless I'm plugging my nose shut. This leads to offers from the lifeguard: "I'll show you how to blow bubbles!" I know how to blow bubbles, but it still doesn't make me comfortable going underwater without closing my nose. End of story.

Yoga. This doesn't count as a gym activity because I do it at home (and when I teach).

Anybody else averse to cardio?

In a related note, I saw an MSN headline that said fainting dieters are causing delays on the NYC subways. Take it easy, folks.


Caro said…

I love cycle, but that is about it for cardio. Walking is not too bad either. Does that count?

I have an aversion to lifting weights and doing crunches, both of which I REALLY need to do.

Actually I really need cardio too. Basically I need to get off my butt.

Wow, that was almost a novel. Now I have to go help my daughter with her homework. GRRRRRR.
Bearette said…
I like walking too...outside the gym :D

Good luck w/ the homework.
Roxanne said…
I don't really like to do cardio on land, but my most fave exercise yet is water aerobics. The best part for you would be you never have to actually submerse your face. And it is a great all over workout, but it also depends on the instructor. I've had some that don't push too hard and my heartrate barely gets going. The one I currently have is great. I've also taken different types of water exercise classes. Some were only shallow water, some a combo of shallow and deep water. My current class is all deep water and is my most favorite yet. And now that I've also written a novel, I'll go away.
Anonymous said…
I saw that article about the dieters. Crazy! Eat, people.

I've regularly attended group exercise classes for years and always loved it, but lately I'm less enamored. My knees sometimes feel a little achey after classes.
Amy said…
I have an aversion to all things cardio. I've always wanted to be a runner but my heart just can't take it (literally). I like doing yoga, pilates, and my favorite exercise, walking. I love to walk from my apartment to the library, which is about a mile away.
Bearette said…
Roxanne - I liked your novel :) And maybe it will give me courage to go to "aqua pilates".

Liz - yeah, knee pain is no fun. the treadmill makes my back stiff, while walking outside does not...wonder why. i hope those people are eating now :)

amy - sounds like we are exercise sisters. i like walking as long as it's not on the treadmill (see above). i also think it's cool that you walk in L.A. :)
This suzy said…
Fainting dieters? That's probably not something you'd hear much of in the Midwest, and certainly not enough to stop traffic. lol
bdogg_mcgee said…
I'm averse to exercise, period. :)

Although I did receive some yoga DVDs for Christmas that I'm going to try to use again--I really enjoyed that....
Anonymous said…
I'm not averse to cardio but to the treadmill and other indoor machines. So boring! I like to feel like I'm going somewhere, like I have a purpose.

I do group classes, now, though, that I'm enjoying.

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