So I wrote a blog entry earlier, while Blogger was on the fritz or out dancing in the meadows or whatever it was doing, and then I had a run-in with everyone's favorite librarian. I was the first one in a long line, and there were 2 librarians. One (the nice one) was checking people out, and the other (the evil one) was playing with stacks of books, making sure their edges were even. I thought the evil one said "Next," and proceeded forward.

Evil One: No! I didn't say next. I'm CLEANING! (continues straightening the edges of books)

Me (ruffled): Sorry! (heads back to line)

2 seconds later, in an evil voice:

Evil One: Next.

I hate these stupid power games. Of course, it only occurs to me later to say something like: "Why are you making little towers with your books when there are four people waiting in line?" But I generally don't say things like that unless I'm *really* angry, and it *always* freaks me out when people yell at me.

I wish people would be nicer.


This suzy said…
I also wish that people - and Blogger - would be nicer.
Anonymous said…
You should come to my libraries. I always smile at people when they come in, I acknowledge those who are waiting in line, and I never, ever make any comments about their reading choices. :)

(and I feel the need to say that the people who work at the check-out counters in public libraries are usually not librarians, but clerks. I like to think that a librarian would have better customer service skills, although anyone who works in library should know better, no matter their role.)

(end of public service announcement)
Bearette said…
suzy - amen to that :)

liz - i agree. anyone would have better social skills! and i'm sure you're a fabulous librarian :D
blackcrag said…
I think you should yell. Yelling is therapeutic. So are very loud sarcastic remarks, which are actually more fun. The secret; think of what you are dying to say to that person, then say it. How easy is that?

Keep in mind though, she is embittered because that is all her life has amounted to when she thinks she deserves more. She probably also thinks you have a much more exciting life than she does, thinks that you are more attractive and more popular than her, and resents you 9and everyone else she meets) for it.
Roxanne said…
Mean people suck. I ran into one last night at Pizza Hut and tried to be extra nice to the cashier to make up for her rudeness.

I want to go to Liz's library and check out whatever book I want to and be smiled at. Now THAT'S a good library experience. :)
Bearette said…
BC - you are right, she does seem bitter. I guess people aren't mean if they're happy.

roxanne - how did the cashier react? same here, i would like to go to liz's library!
Roxanne said…
The cashier did not seem to get flustered at all. Although she did let out a big sigh as soon as the mean woman left the counter. I hate seeing people be unneccesarily rude like that. I'm not sure if they were unhappy about the food or if the bill was wrong, but I always figure you can be still be polite while voicing your problem. And I think that people would think twice about being rude if they could step out of their body and see how ugly they really look.
Anonymous said…
While a good sarcastic comment might feel right away, I think it would probably just make her even more vile to you. Any way to kill her with kindness? Maybe ask her help with something (play dumb), so she feels, if only for a minute, she has a purpose in life.
Bearette said…
roxanne- that's definitely true, i think it's largely a self-awareness issue. the ppl who are being rude have no idea how they sound.

kitkat - i agree, i seldom say anything bad b/c (a) it doesn't occur to me then and (b) i would just feel bad later.
twanji said…
This is not a general statement, because I am sure that there are loads of happy librarians out there, but there is usually a little bit of truth in all stereotypes.

I have dealt with some really foul librarians in my time and I have put it down to the fact that a lot of people, in the library industry, have not had good experiences, particularly in life and high school... and therefore, were not given the adequate exposure to good social skills by their peers.

Don't take her anger personally, she is obviously unhappy with her life.
Caro said…
I always freak out when people yell at me too.

I stand there speechless.
Poppy said…
I wish people would be nicer, and then I catch myself being less than nice without realizing. It's so much easier to be not nice than nice.

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