The garlic stripper, and other news

I thought you should know, I bought a garlic stripper. It dances on a garlic pole and wears clear plastic garlic heels. Actually, you can roll a clove of garlic in the stripper and the skin comes off the garlic. Isn't that nice? It works very well.

My website is up and running - it's just to show people when I'm teaching. D wanted to show it to a web designer friend of his so it may be tweaked, but I actually like it as it is. Here's the link:

There's an additional class I'm teaching tomorrow which I didn't put up because it's at a "private club" - members only. My goodness! I'm probably going to be kicking myself tomorrow for agreeing to teach it, because it's at 7 am. But it can only help my sleep schedule.


Reighnie said…
I've seen Martha use those garlic strippers. They look pretty cool.

Funny thing... I pulled up your site and I was thinking who's Katie? Like I expected it to say Bearette. :)
Anonymous said…
I like the pink! And the little heart!
Roxanne said…
Cute website! Simple, yet informative....and nothing dancing around on the screen(those things drive me crazy). If I ever make it to NYC maybe I'll have to drop into one of your classes. :)
Bearette said…
thanks, guys :) sasha, i realize the katie thing could have been a surprise ;) the designer is looking it over. i like it the way it is, though - all pink and hearty...
This suzy said…
That would have to be one smelly strip club! :P
Bearette said…
aah, but some ppl love the smell of garlic ;)
Caro said…
You sound like you're getting very popular.

Elsa said…
I've never heard of a garlic stripper. I've always just smashed the clove with the flat side of one of those large Henkel knives - usually does the trick. And I always press the garlic to get the most out of it. I LOVE garlic - there can never be too much.

I like your site. Yes, I was surprised to see Katie, too! Good luck with 7 AM - yuck!
verniciousknids said…
Oh you hearted your "i" :D The name "Laughing Lotus" is excellent too!

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