Wedding photos

Last night, D and I went to a wedding at the Foundry in Queens. It was a vegan wedding; Liz inquired whether the shoes would be vegan as well, but I think there was definitely some leather footwear.

This was my undoing.

Our table, tucked in an alcove.

The bride and groom, dancing to "You are the Sunshine of My Life." ;)

The cutie shih tzu sitting in front of me during the ceremony. The bride and groom's dogs served as ring bearers.

Interior shot. The red Japanese lanterns were later hung up.

My dress :)


Anonymous said…
Very cute dress! I like the little alcoves for the tables at the wedding. It is, after all, all about romance.
Bearette said…
Thanks! Nice new profile pic, by the way ;) The bride told me that they didn't want to put tables in the alcoves, but she insisted.
Elsa said…
I agree with kitkat - very nice dress - it's a great pic. And that's pretty cool to have an all vegan wedding - defnitely not the norm.
Bearette said…
And the food was really good, too! I swear vegan cakes are better ;)
verniciousknids said…
The vegan cake looks divine as does your vegan dress...

I'm pleased to see the Japanese lanterns too :)
Caro said…
You look very nice in your dress. You have great arms.

What a pretty wedding.

What a pretty cake. :)
Bearette said…
Thanks, guys :) The cake was really tasty...
Anonymous said…
Cutie dress!!!
Anonymous said…
Since you asked,
My shoes WERE vegan actually. I ordered them especially from Britain, from a place called Elegant Steps (;jsessionid=15443bf1ee5ef84/shopdata/index.shopscript)
Not all of their shoes are vegan, but they've got at least two designs that are (Hope & Jackie, I believe, and mine were the latter).
Anyway, I wouldn't have been offended by the inquiry, it's a god question. The unity candle was vegan too. From a place called Wish Candles in LA, though I can't speak for the votives as I didn't shop for them myself.
Anonymous said…
btw thanks for all the support, folks, about the vegan-ness of it all. I'm really glad there were veg folks with good taste around (like bearette24 of course :-)) to appreciate those elements.
Bearette said…
Well, you were very thorough :) I loved that it was vegan, it's fun to
be healthy at a wedding. Though the cake tasted sinful ;) In a good way.

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