
So tonight was Seder. I was going to call this post "a shiksa's sketch of Seder", but decided that was just too cutesy.

Seder requires stamina. It is still going on as we speak, but I was starting to get tired. It's funny, I always test as an extrovert but my social openness has batteries, and after a few hours they start to fade. After a while I need to lie down with a book.

Since it's a religious holiday, weighty topics were discussed. I learned the following (although I can't vouch for the veracity of any of it):

*Britney is pregnant again (although Us Weekly did a lengthy analysis of this and determined that no, she just hasn't lost the weight from Baby No. 1, which is entirely understandable).

*Tom is planning to separate from Katie after she births their Scientology babe. He will put her up in a mansion and attend to her financial needs.

My favorite thing about Seder is the charoset - a mixture of fruit, nuts, spices and wine, all ground up into a paste that may not look too appealing, but is actually quite yummy. All the "kids" (age range 30-34) cheated a bit here. You're supposed to make a matzoh sandwich with bitter herbs (maror) in the center, but we all attacked the charoset and gave the maror short shrift. I mean, really - sweet v. bitter? Is that a contest at all?

I'm teaching one class on Thursday and two on Friday. I'm considering buying a chocolate candle to burn during savasana. I probably won't though as I don't want to burn the studio down. Not pretty.


SK said…
Oooh, chocolate candle. That would definitely distract me and make me start thinking about how and when I could get my hands into some. Might not cause a fire but instead cause some people to become mesmerized by the smell and leave seeking the nearest godiva store. :)
Bearette said…
Hee..there is actually a bakery beneath the studio where I'm teaching on Thursday. So they wouldn't have too far to go ;)
Anonymous said…
I like the idea of a chocolate candle, too. Props are always good. I used to take a yoga class in Astoria where the instructor, who was japanese, would give us lychee (spelling?) to suck on while we were sitting during final meditation. It was kind of cool - we focused on the nut and cleared our minds. I would check to make sure no one's allergic to the candle, and I would put the candle in a bowl so there was no chance of fire, but then I'd go for it.
Anonymous said…
About Tom & Katie-- in last Sunday's Washington Post Parade Magazine, there was an article about Tom Cruise. At one point Katie came into the room during the interview. The article says:

"Before I left Cruise, he introduced me to Katie Holmes, who is about 5 foot 10 (he’s 5 foot 7) and pretty. She wore a large diamond engagement ring. She seemed dazed, passive and vacant. She never stopped smiling. The minute she appeared, Cruise’s now-familiar public mode of behavior returned. He began hooting how beautiful she was, touching and kissing her like a teenage boy on his first backseat date, aware that he was being watched."

Anonymous said…
Can't Britney just be fat? Hello, she's from the South. We grow 'em big down here. I mean, she's not huge or anything, but hell, despite what Hollywood seems to think, most mothers don't pose for Playboy 3 weeks after they give birth.

Off the soapbox now.
Elsa said…
Those are very heavy topics your discussing - me likey!
Bearette said…
Re Tom Cruise, there is definitely something wrong there! He has changed from the cozy, non-threatening boyish star of our youth to a freaky Scientologist.

Kitkat- I agree, she is probably just heavy. I think it's attracting a lot of attention because she was so body-conscious before. I did read that most people look 4 months pregnant for a while after they give birth.

Elsa - very deep and philosophical, right? ;)

BTW, Us Weekly is running on borrowed time with me. They showed Jessica Simpson on the cover again. My subscription expires on May 22 - they have until then to get their act together ;)
verniciousknids said…
It's getting difficult to reconcile the un-glib psychiatric expert Tom Cruise of today with Rain Man / Cocktail / Top Gun - intensely private - Tom Cruise of yesteryear. Which personality is the real one?!

The whole Brit-Kev debacle is like watching a train wreck...morbidly fascinating :p

BTW there's an interesting slide show on right now comparing today's celeb scandals with those in the past :)
Anonymous said…
I love the idea of candles during yoga! I've never been to a studio where they do that, but I think it would be nice. Especially chocolate-smelling ones!
Bearette said…
VK - I think his publicity people told him to keep the scientology to himself in the past ;)

Crystal - I was wondering who the anonymous commenter was ;) Ted Danson, that's cool. I ended up burning the candle during savasana, but when I brought it home, D didn't like the scent. I wonder why...

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