Ramblings of a diseased mind

Actually, my mind is not diseased. Just my body. And it's starting to get better. Good enough to blog, anyway ;)

Today I dragged my carcass to the gym and library, because I hadn't been to either place in a while. I had a huge stack of library books and realized I should return the ones I've read. I also stopped by the laundry room in my building to drop off some books. There's a little library in my laundry room. I put books that I'm never going to read there. My books always get snatched right up, maybe because their competition is:

The Scarlet Pimpernel
The Zone of Sudden Death and Other Stories of Combat (I'm not making this up.)

Although, Liz, they did have A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Cool, huh? I already read it, though, so I let it be.

As I left the laundry room, I saw a man sneaking into the building through the back entrance. I saw he had a little suitcase-type contraption with mesh on one side, and through it, I saw the white tushy of a dog! He smiled and said hello (the man, not the dog). I hope the building doesn't sue him. The building people always lose the lawsuits anyway.

I tossed my Us magazine into the recycling bin without reading it for the second or third time in a row. I'm waiting for my subscription to end. They keep putting Jessica Simpson or Angelina Jolie on the cover. I'm sick of them both. At least Britney Spears was unintentionally funny. I remember the time she called an emergency family summit, because she was afraid that her brother's dog got her dog, Bit-Bit, pregnant. "That would be incest," she said.

I heard once that Jessica Simpson's father was praising her body parts in public. (I'm not going to get any more specific, because it's still haunting me, like the homeless man I saw doing something in the Village. I'm trying to forget both things.) You might say, "That's not Jessica's fault," but I'm just sick of seeing her. Period. I don't really like Angelina either. I know she adopts kids, but she hurt Jennifer Aniston and her own girlfriend when she took up with Brad Pitt. The girl is clearly not concerned about karmic payback.

In other news, I really like Lauren Baratz-Logsted's books. I recommend them. I'm currently reading "A Little Change of Face."

I'm going to make my first quinoa recipe ever in the near future. It's a quinoa, broccoli and cheddar casserole (from The Vegetarian 5-Ingredient Gourmet by Nava Atlas, a Christmas present from one of my sisters). I will let you all know how it is.

One more thing. Katie Holmes's father is apparently one of the most powerful divorce lawyers in Ohio, and he's helping draft her prenup. It's good to know there's someone helping her out :) Although Tom will, apparently, help her change diapers. And she has vowed to get help if she has post-natal depression.


Lisa said…
Glad that you are on the mend!

I really need to stop buying US because it's the same four stories every week and I wind up flipping through it in about 10 minutes. Plus, by the time I get the magazine on the news stand, most of the stories have already leaked and I've read about them on the Internet.
Bearette said…

I was about to say, "That's so true, I read about Katie Holmes on the Internet," then I realized it was in some magazine I browsed at the supermarket. There is a lot of stuff on the Internet, though.
Lish said…
I am sick of TomKat! I have a serious dislike for Tom. Poor Katie! What is she thinking?
Anonymous said…
I have multiple copies of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. See if that copy is a signed first edition. If it is, will you please ship to me?

Thanky! ;-)
Bearette said…
Lish - I guess she's star struck, or else the rumors are true and there's a contract. You have to wonder, though.

Liz - Wow! I will check it out. It's probably a generic paperback copy, but we'll see!
Thanks for the mention!

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