Strange, but thoughtful, gifts

LC (the one with 3 girlfriends) sent a strange gift to my husband's office today -- a foosball table. D is now assembling it (as I will soon be assembling some baked ziti).

I think LC was inspired by our lunch conversation.

D: I'd really like to get a foosball table. Can we get one for our apartment, Bearette?

Bearette: No. You could get one at the office, though. There's that big space in the front.

I'm a little embarrassed that my husband likes foosball. But it is what it is. I've noticed that all men seem to like Indiana Jones and the Simpsons. Maybe foosball falls in that category?


Lish said…
I think that foosball does fit into that category. I received a much stranger gift from my older sister this weekend. She gave me an empty bottle of Grey Goose and an empty bottle of some kind of wine. The wine bottle was a cool cobalt blue triangle shaped bottle, and I do happen to have alot of cobalt bottles, but the Grey Goose definitely should have alcohol in it.
Foosball is awesome! You no likie?

Two jobs ago, we had foosball tournies. I thought I was good until I played with those guys.
Bearette said…
Lish, I agree! That's a strange one.

ZS - I thought you'd weigh in on the foosball issue ;) Maybe I'll change my mind...I've already agreed to play a game.
Bearette said…
My husband just eagerly asked, "Is Zombieslayer in New York?" I told him no, I think you're in California ;)
Caro said…
My husband would love a foosball/airhockey table, but we are bulging at the seams. (our house and our clothes!)
Bearette said…
I hear room here either! I'm glad the table's in the office.
Anonymous said…
My husband likey the foosball. All that hand coordination is way too much for my little brain to handle.
Anonymous said…
My family got a foosball table when I was in middle school. I always loved playing and I can still kick some ass, if I do say so myself. ;-) We had some fierce family competitions.
Bearette said…
Cool! I wonder who would win in a match between you and D? :)
Anonymous said…
A admits (correction: "is proud to say") he loves the Simpsons, Foosball, and Indiana Jones, in that order.
Bearette - Yup, in California unfortunately. Well, I guess fortunately because I like it here.

Foosball is all about teamwork. Two players with average skills with perfect teamwork will destroy two players who are "glory boys."

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