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Here's a hat I made with leftover yarn from the poncho:

I love this yarn. I'm considering making another poncho from it (different pattern, different color).


Mz.Elle said…
I reeeeeeally love that yarn!
Bearette said…
Isn't it awesome? They have it in a nice blue, too.
Lisa said…
And here I was feeling all sorts of productive for casting on for a new hat! (And I *might* have it finished in time for next winter.)
Bearette said…
Well, I want to see a pic when it's done :) I love hats.
Anonymous said…
One of my very favorite colors!

I would be very interested in purchasing a hat like this, especially if had a foldable bottom. :D
Bearette said…
It's one of my favorites, too. The manufacturer misspelled it "fucsia," which I thought was kind of cute ;)

Hmm, I guess an inch longer would make it foldable...
Anonymous said…
And a nice, tasteful pom-pom never hurts...

Bearette said…
Heh. I haven't done one of those yet ;) But I have books that tell you how to do it.
Lisa said…
I went on a pom pom kick last Christmas and made them to attach to everyone's gifts instead of bows. It wasn't that hard to make the poms, but trimming them makes a big mess.
Anonymous said…
Wow, you sure are going to be warm and stylish this winter.
Roxanne said…
I love the pattern on this one. When I tried the seed stitch it seemed like it took FOREVER to get done...back and forth and back and forth with the yarn. But I love the look when it's finished. :)
Bearette said…
Kitkat - I hope so ;)

Roxanne - I know what you mean. I definitely wouldn't want to make a sweater in seed stitch ;) I like the way it looks too, though.

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