So I finished my sweater today:

The neck was a pain in the neck. I feel like I'll never want to knit a V-neck again. Of course, I probably will.
I saw the cutest dog today. It really looked like a friendly, with an abundance of fur. Everyone was stopping to pat it. I was hugging it and hanging out with it when the owner/father said, "Gotta go to work! Sorry!" I realized they can probably never go on a straight line from A to B without being stopped. Another girl was patting it before me and I saw some more women smiling at the doggie. It's probably a bonanza for the guy if he plays his cards right ;)
I still haven't decided which dress to wear to the reunion. I'm leaning toward the black. I guess I'm feeling understated. Also, an author I like is coming to the reunion! She graduated 10 years before me. I'd love to talk to her, but I don't want to stalk her. Hmm.

The neck was a pain in the neck. I feel like I'll never want to knit a V-neck again. Of course, I probably will.
I saw the cutest dog today. It really looked like a friendly, with an abundance of fur. Everyone was stopping to pat it. I was hugging it and hanging out with it when the owner/father said, "Gotta go to work! Sorry!" I realized they can probably never go on a straight line from A to B without being stopped. Another girl was patting it before me and I saw some more women smiling at the doggie. It's probably a bonanza for the guy if he plays his cards right ;)
I still haven't decided which dress to wear to the reunion. I'm leaning toward the black. I guess I'm feeling understated. Also, an author I like is coming to the reunion! She graduated 10 years before me. I'd love to talk to her, but I don't want to stalk her. Hmm.
And here I was feeling so pleased with myself for finishing a dishcloth this weekend.
I'm currently working on some fingerless gloves as a Father's Day gift for my dad. It only took me two times of ripping out the cuff to get on a roll. ;)
Lisa - it's funny, i was thinking about making a dishcloth. i was wondering if i could bear to use it to wipe up stains though.
Rox - fingerless gloves are cool! wouldn't mind seeing a picture of those :)
That doggie sounds cute.
Dogs=major chick magnet,lol
Aww, chat up the author.
I bet she'd enjoy talking to
you. It's not like you're gonna get all gushy right??
I think it'd be exciting!
BTW, I would not want to knit a dishcloth and use it - not after all that hard-work and effort.
you know, bearette, you would love my dog stella. i just know it.
and black for the reunion sounds right.
I'm actually bringing the red dress and a different black dress :)
Yes, having a cute dog can be a bonanza for the single guy. I've had a lot of fun when walking my sister's Shepherd mix. He's my buddy anyway (and I'm his favourite person), so we always ahve fun. But dog parks are an added bonus.
The sweater does indeed ;ook great, but... it is very, very pink. 'Pink, pink, pink, pink' to quote Nick Drake.