Of ducks and tank tops

I finished my tank top today! Despite the gauge mishap, it fits fine. Maybe it would have been too boxy and big otherwise.

And Mom sent us an anniversary package. (Our wedding date was five years ago Friday.) I got a pink duck with lipstick marks and D got an Elwood Blues duck (from his favorite movie, The Blues Brothers). His duck is still in its packaging, since he's not home yet, but here's mine:


Mz.Elle said…
Aww that's cute!
Your tank turned out really nice.
I love the straps. tres chic!
Lisa said…
Happy Anniversary!

Love the tank!
Bearette said…
Thanks, y'all!
Roxanne said…
That turned out really nice.

Happy Anniversary! Cute ducky. :)
Katie said…
Happy anniversary!
This suzy said…
Happy Anniversary!!

It's sweet that your mom would send you guys a cute, thoughtful gift like ducks! :)
Bearette said…
Thanks, guys! We love ducks :)
Caro said…
What a cute tank and ducky.

Happy belated!

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