My take on Clerks II

So D and I saw Clerks II tonight. It was a rare case of the sequel outshining the original. Then again, I don't remember much about Clerks, except that it was in black and white, there was a girl who, um, liked Dante a lot, and the line: "I wasn't supposed to be here today."

This movie was a lot better and funnier, though equally crude. It's also the first movie I've seen featuring "interspecies erotica". (Don't worry, there's a mitigating, humorous twist.) It was also, in its odd way, a feel-good movie, and kind of sweet. So you should see it.

Did I mention I'm getting kind of sick of my book? I'm going to edit it tomorrow, but I honestly don't know how many edits I've got left in me.

I've already used up my B&N gift cards on the following:

Looking for Mr. Goodbunny by Kathleen O'Reilly
The Secret Desires of a Soccer Mom by Robyn Harding (a mystery)
The Sleeping Beauty by Adrienne Sharp (it's about ballet)
Me vs. Me by Sarah Mlynowski (about a woman leading two lives, kind of a Sliding Doors premise, I think)
Yoga Chick: A Hip Guide to Everything Om by Bess Gallanis (so cute I couldn't resist)
Espresso Tales by Alexander McCall Smith (sequel to 44 Scotland Street)
and that's it.


Anonymous said…
I'm a bit curious about Clerks II -- it seems to me Kevin Smith peaked with Chasing Amy... (But given your rec, I'll keep an open mind!)
Elsa said…
I've never seen the original Clerks, but want to sometime because of all the good buzz (which is now 10 years old).

Isn't it so much fun to use gift certificates at B&N? :)
Bearette said…
ashley - it was really fun. maybe a bit crude for some, but good. i actually never saw chasing amy...

elsa - it's SO much fun. now i have a borders one to use. there are fewer borders in manhattan, though.
Caro said…
The Secret Desires of a Soccer Mom involve somebody else driving the damn kids for a change. :D
Bearette said…'s apparently a murder mystery...maybe she got sick of driving and things took a violent turn?
Anonymous said…
I've seen the original Clerks a couple of times. I'll add it to my list!
Bearette said…
i kind of want to see it again...but i'm not sure d does ;)

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