Squirrel, part II and Woody Allen

The squirrel is back! This morning, as I was doing my asanas, I spotted a sleepy squirrel on the terrace. It was a very mellow, zen squirrel, with its eyes half-closed, stretched out on a ledge, with the sunlight painting the tip of its ear red. After I was done with my yoga I ran to get my camera, saw the poor picture quality (because both the glass and screen doors to the terrace were closed), and mustered up courage to open the door. Unfortunately, the squirrel fled...not so mellow after all...and I felt bad.

Also, I saw Woody Allen and Scarlett Johannson on the cover of New York magazine the other day, so of course I popped into the newsstand to peek inside. The article was a bit of a disappointment...only one page...but it was interesting nonetheless. Apparently Woody Allen's upcoming 2006 movie stars her as well, is called Scoop, and is supposed to be really good. Also, he said she was "a sexually overwhelming, beautiful young woman." ! Incidentally, she has her hair dyed brown for The Nanny Diaries, and it suits her. When I told D about that quote, he said, "Watch out Soon-Yi...number 3." (Woody has actually been married twice before Soon-Yi - to Louise Lasser and Harlan Rosen - but I didn't say anything.)

I don't think he'll leave Soon-Yi for her, though. It's interesting - I liked Match Point in spite of her. I think he realized she's not very likable, and made her character unlikable, so it worked out well. But I liked Lost in Translation too. I don't think she's an awful actress, just not one of the best. I was horrified when he said Match Point was his best movie...what about Annie Hall? Or Play It Again, Sam? (Which he wrote and starred in, but did not direct.)

P.S. The squirrel is back...but I'm not going to disturb him this time ;) He's sleeping in the exact same position, just facing the other way.


Anonymous said…
I have an invasion of squirrels. And wild turkeys, deer, fox, racoons, turtles, rabbits--we even spotted a beaver during the torrents we've had. But I live in Connecticut, about 55 miles outside New York City. I commute to work there each day.

I see you like books. You may want to take a look at one of mine. It's an eBook at www.nicholasborelli.com.

Lisa said…
Ugh! Match Point was horrendous!

I think Scarlett is too smart to get snared by Woody. She dodged the Tom Cruise bullet.
Elsa said…
Cool squirrel. That's nice that he just hangs out on your ledge.

I want to see Match Point - it looks good, but I heard mixed reviews - including Lisa's ;)
Bearette said…
elsa, you should definitely rent it. i thought it was good - not his best - but worth seeing.

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