Thursday thirteen

I'm borrowing the Thursday thirteen from's an excellent device when I'm not sure what to blog about...and I like reading these little tidbits about others, so...(although the number thirteen is a bit creepy, don't you think? It always gives me a little shiver. Although my college roommate's mother felt it was a lucky number).

So here goes...

1. I would pick a beach vacation over a mountain vacation any time.
2. Unless it was winter and skiing was involved.
3. I like downhill skiing better than cross-country.
4. I haven't been skiing since 1997.
5. My last ski trip was with a guy who had a motorcycle.
6. Senior year in college I had a free-standing single (as opposed to a single in a suite). I really liked it.
7. My favorite herbal tea is cinnamon apple spice (followed closely by Bengal spice).
8. I like multi-cultural chick lit (or multi-culti, as they apparently call it in publishing).
9. I have a somewhat strong bias in favor of female writers.
10. My favorite color is pink.
11. I often say to D, "Let's get a dog and name it ____." I like to fill the blank with silly names like Otis and Mortimer.
12. I have very little interest in math.
13. I wonder what Pluto is like.


Caro said…
Math is useful for cooking. Other than that, bah, make it go away!

I can't ski to save my life.

I may steal this idea!
Bearette said…
you should!
Anonymous said…
I may steal this too, but I already posted for today....

#9 Somewhat?

Mortimer is a terrific name for a dog!
Bearette said…
You're right, probably more than somewhat ;)

I also like to fill the blank with Agnes, Edith, Agatha...
Anonymous said…
I second #12!! And I had a single senior year too...
Elsa said…
Welcome to Thursday Thirteen. I've only done it 2 weeks now, but am really enjoying it. It's fun coming up the 13 items and fun to read others 13.

And I love those dogs names!!

I agree - downhill skiing is much more fun than cross-country - although I haven't done either since 2001.
Sarah Louise said…
I've also heard it called chica lit.
Bearette said…
interesting! i love the name pink sneakers for a blog, btw.
Anonymous said…
The last time I went skiing with M was probably 7 years ago. He's much better than I am. There are more than a few pictures of me face-down in the snow. ;)
Anonymous said…
weird...i watched breakfast on pluto last nighto-=
Bearette said…
Liz - hmm, maybe we should plan a blogger ski trip ;) i do miss the bunny hill...i always start out there...

carpe - what's bfast on pluto? sounds yummy.
verniciousknids said…
I have no idea what #6 means!

Some day I'll blog about my one and only ski trip...I'm a summer sports girl :D
Bearette said…
VK - it just means I had a room all to myself. Freshman and sophomore year I had a double (room I shared with a roommate); junior year I had a single in a suite (meaning 4 people with separate bedrooms, but we had a living room in common). Senior year I had total privacy :)

Looking forward to hearing about the ski trip!
verniciousknids said…
Thanks for clearing that up...I never lived in a dorm...always an apartment or house!

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