My party

Well, we had my party at Pinch and Hotel QT tonight, and it was almost entirely a success...the only drawback was that the pool at Hotel QT was closed!! Aaargh! It looked so pretty and inviting, a nice ripply sheet of water...but there was a forbidding sign that said POOL CLOSED.

I must say, my friends know me pretty well...with one exception (one friend gave me a cute bracelet), everyone gave me books or gift certificates for books. AT gave me Miss American Pie (a woman's diaries; if I understand correctly, they are essentially unedited) and DG gave me The Merlot Murders and an Erica Jong book. He asked at the bookstore, "Where do you have chick lit?" and the woman got offended! So a friend helped him pick out the Erica Jong. I have actually never read her before, though I read one of her daughter's books (Molly Jong-Fast).

TN took some pictures that came out pretty well. When she emails them to me, I'll put them up.

A disturbing thing happened at the bar (inside the hotel. It really doesn't feel like a hotel at all, just a fun, trendy place). Anyway, this woman took her top down (a tube top) and flashed me! It was freaky. Then AT found her in the bathroom lying in a pool of her own vomit. I guess she had too much to drink.


Elsa said…
It sounds like a very nice party - especially since you were surrounded by friends...and books and gift certificates for books ;)
Caro said…
Maybe that was booby ladies way of wishing you a REAL happy birthday.

I'm glad you had fun!
Bearette said…
e - it was :) now, if only the pool were open...

c - hehe. i never thought of that ;)
This suzy said…
Happy Birthday, Bearette! I'm glad you had a (mostly) great party! :)
Bearette said…
Thanks, Suzy! my friend sent me the pictures but they are huge....
verniciousknids said…
Which was the greater crime...the boobs or the boob tube?!
Bearette said…
i'd have to say the boobs...more startling! I was actually in disbelief for a minute: "Did she? She did."
Anonymous said…
Happy Belated B-day!
Anonymous said…
Glad you had a happy birthday!!
Bearette said…
Thanks, Ashley & Liz :)

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