The melatonin diaries

So...the melatonin was making me sluggish and groggy the next day, and slowing down my metabolism (I never fully appreciated its burn, baby, burn qualities before). Lisa linked to a Wikipedia article about it, where it said that 0.3 mg works just as well as 3 mg (the dose I have). So I chopped the pill in half. And guess what? It doesn't work as well. I slept from 10:45 to 3:48, semi-dozed till 6, and then got up.

Anyway, I made a very yummy rigatoni recipe last night. I'd thought it would be dry and uninteresting, but not so. D in particular loved it (and garnished it with fresh mozzarella - to D, if it doesn't have cheese, it's not worth eating. And Parmesan doesn't count for him.)

From Jeanne Lemlin's Vegetarian Classics:
Rigatoni with Tomatoes, White Beans and Zucchini
1 lb rigatoni
3 T olive oil
6 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 t red pepper flakes
2 medium zucchini, quartered lengthwise and thinly sliced
1 16-oz can diced tomatoes
1 16-oz can small white beans (navy or Great Northern), rinsed and drained
1/2 t salt
1/2 c minced fresh basil
Parmesan cheese

1. Boil the rigatoni for 8-10 min, until al dente.
2. Warm the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and red pepper flakes, and cook gently for 1 min. Do not let the garlic get at all colored. Stir in the zucchini and saute, tossing often, for about 5 min.
3. Add the tomatoes with their juice, white beans, and salt, and simmer for about 5 min, or until the sauce is slightly thickened.
3. Drain the rigatoni and add it to the skillet. Mix in the sauce, basil and a small handful of Parmesan cheese. Toss well. Serve immediately with some extra Parmesan cheese to pass at the table.

AND...there is potential good news in the offing. I will let you know if it pans out.


Anonymous said…
That sounds good -- I'll have to try it!
Anonymous said…
M loves rigatoni, so this will go on the menu for next week. Sounds like something that would be manageable on a weeknight, too!
Bearette said…
it is :) i think getting the water to boil is the longest part.
Anonymous said…
Great point, Liz -- good as my pasta dish was last week, it's a bit of an ordeal to concoct during the week if you've got work and other stuff going on (which is why I get more creative with my cooking in the summer). Finding good, easy weekday meals is key. Feel free to post others you've tried ;)
Elsa said…
I'm with D - no cheese, not worth it! ;)

I hope you'll be sleeping soon.
Bearette said…
Thanks, E. I actually took the whole melatonin pill last night and it did the job ;) Some very freaky, vivid dreams though.

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