Day at the beach

So we spent a day at the beach - Long Beach to be exact - with DG. It was a lot of fun. I've always liked the beach, and feel very much at home there. It relaxes me a lot. The day was a little bit cloudy at points but overall a good day for the beach. I went in the water, which smacked me around a little. Then we had dinner with DG's parents. It is always interesting to meet someone's parents for the first time. The food was a little heavier than I've been eating lately (summer heat has kind of reduced my appetite) but I enjoyed it anyway. The restaurant was playing Frank Sinatra throughout - I'm not usually the biggest fan but I thought it worked well with the atmosphere and even considered getting one of his CDs.

There was a bit of a delay getting back - we had to wait an hour for the next train - so we walked along the boardwalk. It had stopped raining but there was still thunder and we could see lightning slicing through the sky and dipping into the water. It was very beautiful. I actually like storms a lot, as long as it's not raining. I guess I'm kind of tempestuous ;)

I'm currently reading The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster. I'm of the opinion you usually can judge a book by its cover (not so much with people, but definitely with books). However, in spite of a dull title and cover, this one is a winner. I thought his last two were a bit off - Oracle Night was meh and The Book of Illusions was a little intense and scary. This one pulled me in almost right away. I love how he plops his characters in the oddest situations.


Anonymous said…
I wish I had been at the beach yesterday! I had to settle for Macomb Street in DC. ;)

I've never read anything by Auster. I'll have to add The Brooklyn Follies to my list.
Bearette said…
Yay! I think you would like it. The first chapter is a little slow but it picks up quickly from there.

I also think you would like Timbuktu from the same's from a dog's point of view :)
Caro said…
Ah, the beach. I wish I lived there. Don't we all?
Elsa said…
Sounds like a lovely day :)

I, like Liz, have never read anything by Auster and have just added the book to my never-ending wishlist :)

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