I am...

a certified yoga instructor. Finally!

The day started with brunch with TN at Le Gamin. They have one branch at 9th and 21st where it takes them an hour to make French toast (no exaggeration). So we tried their new branch on 15th between 7th and 8th. No wait and the service was much better. TN felt that the bread was weird, which I guess it was, but you can't have everything.

Then we saw The Family Stone, the new movie with SJP, Diane Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Luke Wilson, Claire Danes and Dermot Mulroney. I was a little disappointed. It was about SJP clashing with Dermot Mulroney's family. Then there was a switcheroo where people ended up with different boyfriends/girlfriends. The movie made me like Dermot Mulroney less and Luke Wilson better. Luke was probably the best part of the movie. He had a very funny dream about SJP.

Then I had my yoga graduation. One of the girls in my mentor group gave us little Hindu god figurines. She gave me and TW Ganesh (a little elephant) and she gave LT Hanuman (a little monkey). Very cute. After we got our diplomas, the directors gave us cake from Lifethyme on 6th Ave. So good...banana bread with strawberry frosting and strawberries. Also Martinelli's cider. They played disco in the background.

I was afraid I failed the exam, but I got a 93. On the first question, they asked us to write out the "togetherness mantra" and explain its meaning. There was much emphasis on memorizing it in English (we already knew the Sanskrit) so I wrote it out in English. The mentor who graded it wrote "Sanskrit? -2". I think they should have said "both languages." Then I would have got a 95. The competitive nerd in me is coming out ;)

Anyway, I will have to ask some yoga studios if I can be on their sub list (the first step to getting a regular gig). I'm shy about it, but as D said, "You gotta be in it to win it."


Anonymous said…
Bearette said…
Thanks guys! I will try to put up a headstand photo ;)
Anonymous said…
And don't let the shyness get the best of you. I'm sure teaching yoga is like tutoring, bartending and driving a car, the first time is just a leap of faith, and before you know it it feels like you've been doing it forever. Good luck! (though I'm sure you won't need it!)
SK said…
WOOHOO!!! Congrats lady!!! :)
Ashley Beth said…
How wonderful! Congratulations!
Anonymous said…
Can't believe you're already there. Congratulations!
Lisa said…
Yay! Congratulations!
Bearette said…
Thanks everybody! :)
bdogg_mcgee said…
I knew you would do wonderfully!

Congratulations, sweetie! I'm so very happy for you!!!!

Michelle said…
Congrats on graduating! Best wishes on your yoga teaching future. Now get out there!
Bearette said…
Thanks! I'm planning on asking a studio to be on their sublist tomorrow :)
Ashley Beth said…
I'm cooking your garlic, chickpea, spinach pasta tonight for the hubby and his friend. I'm adding sundried tomatoes and zucchini...I'll let you know how it turns out!
Bearette said…
Cool! I hope you like it.
Anonymous said…
Bearette -
I knew you would do it! Congratulations! This is just the beginning. You will go far up the yoga ladder. You'll see.
Bearette said…
Thanks! I hope it's nicer than the corporate ladder ;) Actually, I'm sure it will be.
Lish said…
Congrats! I'm so happy for you! I'm sad to hear you didn't love the SJP movie. I've been wanting to see it, and we seem to have the same tastes.

My cousin is pretty hard-core with yoga. She can do things that I'm far away from still. She often does the sweat ones too. I don't know what all the different yogas are called, but wife and I are still kind of beginner level.

I like the number 93. Good score. It's a solid A. :)
Bearette said…
Lish - thanks! You might still want to see it anyway. It wasn't terrible, just more of a B-grade movie.

ZS - thank you! The sweaty one is bikram. Haven't tried that yet ;)
Frema said…
Congratulations! Great news, and right before Christmas, too!
Poppy said…
Congratulations! Yippy!!!
Bearette said…
Thanks y'all!
Kim said…
Congratulations!! How very cool. I have lots of friends that have been wanting to do that forever.

Can't wait to hear all about it!
Bearette said…
Thanks Kim :)
Caro said…
Congratulations! I can't wait to hear your teaching stories.
Lora said…
A belated Congrats!
Reighnie said…
Congratulations! I knew you'd do it. I'm so happy for you.

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