Well, after all that, E is sleeping roughly 6-hour chunks now...which I think is the medical definition of sleeping through the night.

The problem is, with all this bounty, I feel fully rested now and can't get back to sleep! But I'll give it another shot soon ;)

The timing is good - D has to go to Seattle on business August 25th-28th and I was worried about how I would make it without the other member of my team.

It's funny how you don't know he's slept through until you wake up - I assumed D had given him a bottle, but no.

This morning I swam, but it was a bit of an ordeal - I went to the "good" swim place I belong to, but we were all kicked out of the pool because it was thundering. The pool is on the top floor of that building, with a clear glass roof, but I really don't think we were in any danger. I decided to go to the "Get What You Pay For" gym - six bucks a month, no towels, soap or toilet paper, and the locker room floors are covered in hair and water. Also, they usually have "general swim" instead of "lap swim". General swim just means that people are swimming laps across the pool instead of up and down it, and the water gets very choppy and splashes in your mouth. But hey, I got my swim in.

I think E may not like spicy food - he cried when I nursed him at the Indian restaurant last night, and cried more when I nursed him at the Thai restaurant tonight (where the food was spicier). So I'll cut it out for a while.


Anonymous said…
Get E a nice, mild veggie burger. :)
Roxanne said…
My pool does the same thing. They say it's grounded, but their thunderstorm rule is just an extra measure. It probably has to do with the insurance.

It's funny, but I don't remember either of my kiddos having any food issues while I was still nursing. Then again, I'm not much of a spicy food fan. ;)
This suzy said…
I wish I had someplace I could swim. The gym I belong to doesn't have a pool. I used to really enjoy swimming, but I haven't done it in years.
Bearette said…
Liz - good idea ;)

Rox - i figured that's what it was because he doesn't usually cry when eating - his favorite pastime :)

Suzy - maybe in a pure mountain stream? I love swimming, too.
Anonymous said…
My pool also doesn't allow swimming during thunder/lightning. Thankfully, I think those crazy storms we were having pretty regularly have subsided.

The choppy water sucks. When I swim, it's "open swim" too, but they usually have a couple lanes blocked off on the side, so people can swim laps while the kids jump off the diving board. It's better than nothing, and we always have toilet paper :)
Bearette said…
So the free gym is better than the $6 per month gym, putting a crimp in the get-what-you-pay-for theory ;)

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