Found the most fantastic babysitter. I am very pleased with her. She goes to college uptown and seems like a bona fide baby expert. She babysat for a pair of twins until they were 10, starting when they were 4 weeks old!

I used the time to go swimming, where I saw a friend of D's family (who offered to babysit any Wednesday or Friday) and my pool buddy (who is due next week). She was wearing a bikini, God bless her - I stopped wearing mine around 4 months and only recently donned it again.

After I swam, I lay out on the sun deck, which was awesome.


This suzy said…
Yea! I'm so glad you found a baby sitter that you're happy with.
BabelBabe said…
ohmigod, you're wearing a bikini again already? I hate you. seriously.

also - hold onto that sitter! they are worth their weight in gold.

also also, i noticed you're reading the Cynthia Kaplan - we must have the same reading list, I am reading it now too.
Bearette said…
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Bearette said…
I am holding on to her firmly :)

After Cynthia, I started The 19th Wife - you might like it. It's good, though creepy.
Poppy said…
Caro said…
Is God Bless Her a euphemism for Holy Toledo!
Bearette said…
nah - at 9 months she's a little smaller than i was at 6 months.
Caro said…
I'll hold her down. You beat her. LOL

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