So E slept 6 hours again - every time he does that, I feel like having a party. The past few nights have been like this: 6, 6, 5, 6.

His schedule is weird, though - the first shift goes from 9 pm to 3 am. I sleep from about 10 pm to 3 am. For some reason, after that, I'm wired and lie awake during the second shift (3-7 am), even though he is sleeping. I guess I'm a natural insomniac. Then I sleep again through his third shift - 7 am to 10:45 am.

The problem is, during the third shift, I'm too tired to stay awake during his feeding and put him back in the crib, so I sleep with him. I hope this doesn't "undo" his sleep training, making him unable to sleep alone. Then again, it's light out during the third shift, so he probably differentiates it from the first and second shifts, when we keep the whole apartment dark and quiet. D says not to worry about it. He says sleeping alone is a learned skill and now he's learned it and he can't unlearn it.

Another thing about E: he hates CVS. I brought him there yesterday, and sure enough, he started to scream when I was in the self-checkout. I am no longer mortified by public meltdowns, although the greeter (at the front of the store) fled. As soon as E was out of the store, he fell asleep in his stroller and continued to nap for half an hour at the apartment. So I'm pretty sure it's the store. He likes Borders and Buy Buy Baby, though.


This suzy said…
I wonder what it is about CVS that E doesn't like. Maybe the cheap discount perfume? lol
Bearette said…
D thinks he knows something we don't ;) I did see a mouse there once, but it was before E was born.
Anonymous said…
He has good taste, though, with Borders. I think I'm much more calm there than in CVS too. My mom tells me that when I was a baby, there was a certain grocery store that I couldn't stand. It was too noisy I guess. I was okay in other grocery stores.
Bearette said…
It's interesting, isn't it? Preferences start so young. He seems to like Rite Aid better so I think I'll go there for my drugstore needs :)
Poppy said…
CVSes smell funny and have psychotic people in them. E is a wise man already. And yet I go to CVS quite frequently now that I'm in Queens. Go figure.
Bearette said…
:) Have you tried Duane Reade yet?
Poppy said…
Yes, we went to one at the subway stop on the way into Manhattan in June. The closest one is VERY far from here. :-/ And I couldn't find anything in it, had to ask where the sunscreen was.
Bearette said…
Yes, it has a bad layout. D say studies show CVS's layout is better. But I'm a Rite Aid girl now anyway, because of E ;)
Caro said…
My guy doesn't like Whole Foods. Sensory overload maybe?

Is CVS really busy?
Bearette said…
It does tend to be busy, yeah. But the Rite Aid is fairly busy, too, but more attractive (at least the one I take him to). So maybe it's just aesthetics. The CVS has a really nasty gray carpet ;)

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