The real reason mothers cut their hair

Did you ever notice that mothers in movies always have short hair? Robin Wright chops her tresses after she has Forrest Gump's kid. I always assumed it was a time issue. I'll keep mine long, I told myself. It can't take that much longer to wash long hair than short hair.

The real reason? Because babies spit up in your hair. A lot. It's happened twice today already, and I'm too lazy to take another shower. Maybe I should just shave my head. I've been flirting with the idea since 2004.


judy in ky said…
Oh no, don't shave your head! I've just had my hair cut short and I can't wait for it to grow back.
Try wearing a shower cap or something!
Bearette said…
I'm all talk ;) But seriously. Imagine how low maintenance it would be.
Anonymous said…
Oooh! Shave it! A student worker at my writing center is going to shave her hair for charity:

You can shave your hair and donate, or just shave to show your support. I seriously thought about doing it, except that they don't take dyed hair, and as bad as it sounds, I don't want to shave my head if I can't donate the hair.

I never thought about the spit up. I guess I always thought it was maintenance + the fact that babies tend to pull hair. Now the secret's out!
Bearette said…
Not brave enough, though it sounds like a good cause :)
Poppy said…
Shaved off before the winter... I vote no.

Do I get a vote?
Bearette said…
of course :)
This suzy said…
I always thought it was a time thing too! Now I know the real reason... :)
Tracy said…
Ugh. I always thought it was because of hair pulling...
So putting it back in a ponytail doesn't help??
Bearette said…
you know, i didn't even think of that -- i always have it down. and yes, pulling is also a factor...

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