So my MIL will be in town on Monday and able to babysit E - but D will probably go away again over Labor Day weekend. Fat chance of my finding a babysitter then - actually, I can probably ask my SIL and there's a family friend who may be in town. I'm glad D's business is doing well, but still. Urg.

I signed up with a babysitting service at a local women's college, but they have to process my registration, which can take a "few days," before posting my job listing. I'm not sure why it takes a few days. Number of pages they need to process? Two. Oh well.

Not that I even like leaving him with babysitters. But I do want to exercise even in D's absence, so if I want to make it to the pool, that's that. Fortunately I have not had to leave him with a real (i.e., strange) babysitter yet - it's been all family friends and members.

Looking after a baby can be a lot of hard work during the "witching hour" - typically 5 or 7 pm, when he lets loose a little. I do love walking him in the stroller - he tends to be very peaceful then, and it's a bit like walking with a model/celebrity - everyone coos over his beauty :)


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