So I'm a little nervous. D leaves next Sunday for a few days so I will be on my own with the bebe. Having him here, I've been to bike and swim whenever I want. I do have some babysitting leads but the pickings are slim in the summer. A lot of people go away. Still, I should be able to get someone to look after him for a couple of hours so I can swim once. I just feel bad asking my SIL and her boyfriend because they sat really recently - last night, to be exact.

While they looked after E, D and I went to The Place. We sat next to some May-November combo with the woman being older and the guy looking like Leslie Howard. After listening to their conversation, I realized they were just friends. The food was fantastic - homemade goat cheese ravioli for an appetizer, vegetarian filo triangle for an entree, and for dessert I had some spiced Bartlett pear plus some white chocolate chip mousse off of D's plate - and if it sounds really good, that's because it was :)

I did realize last night that all my worries in the past have ceased to matter. Nothing I worried about during my pregnancy, for example, is relevant now. The same thing goes for worries during college, etc. So hopefully this epiphany will curb my worrying tendencies.

I'm reading my first non-trash book in a while - The Condition by Jennifer Haigh. I do have this habit of taking fiction too seriously, as if it were real. I keep feeling bad for the character who has Turners syndrome - she'll never exceed her childhood height of 4'8", be able to have babies, etc. But it's all made up!


This suzy said…
I do the same thing with fictional characters! I've always taken that as a sign of good writing/acting/something. And maybe we're just caring people, dang it! :)
Poppy said…
Hurm. I have no understanding of how close we actually are to each other, and I was going to offer to help you out, but I'm leaving next weekend to get the girls so I won't even be in the city. Maybe the best thing for you is to get over that hurdle of the first time without D anyway. :(
Bearette said…
That's sweet :) Maybe next time!
Anonymous said…
I'm loving The Condition.:)
Caro said…
I relate to fictional characters a lot. It must be a sign that the author is good.
Bearette said…
liz - it made me put her 2 other books on hold at the library :)

caro - i agree!

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