Giant step for mankind

I managed to trim the e-babe's nails today with a clipper - not a pair of scissors, like my mother and MIL advocate. What, do they have nerves of steel?

Am reading Cynthia Kaplan's Leave the Building Quickly - overall, not as good as Sedaris, but I did laugh a couple of times, which startled E, who was feeding.

I have a weird passion for microwave dinners, which I have been able to indulge while D is in Seattle, but it will definitely be nice to have him back :)


Anonymous said…
Some moms told me that they bit their babies' nails. I guess everyone finds their own way.
Roxanne said…
I was always intimidated by the baby scissors, too. The clippers just seem so much easier.

Maybe the moms that bite their babies nails have the same habit on their own?? It's still weird.
Anonymous said…
I told my mom about the nail biting, and she hadn't heard of it either. These women seemed perfectly normal...

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